
Welcome to Crespino: a municipality filled with cultural treasures

Welcome to Crespino, a small municipality located between Adria and Rovigo, in the heart of the Veneto region. With a population of 1721, this charming village boasts a fascinating and ancient past closely tied to the Ferrarese and Polesana cultures.

History of Crespino

Crespino has a rich history to tell. Until 1815, the municipality was part of the Ferrarese territory beyond the Po river, as evidenced by its dialectal name "Crespìn". After World War II, when the area was hit hard by flooding, the population was forced to emigrate to northern areas of the country, such as Milan, Turin, and Bolzano. This event had a significant impact on the population, which has decreased considerably to this day.

Despite the difficulties, Crespino has maintained its central role in the Ferrarese and Polesana cultures and in trade with cities adjacent to the Po river.

Crespino: cultural treasures of an ancient Venetian village.

Monuments and Places of Interest

Crespino is home to monuments and places of historical and cultural interest, which are worth visiting with care and attention.

Religious Architecture

The Church of Saints Martino and Severo, built at the end of the XVIII century, is located in the center of Fetonte square and is characterized by a Baroque architecture typical of the Roman Baroque period. The imposing facade is tripartite and embellished with a broken curved pediment, semi-column, and four niches that welcome as many statues of saints.

The Church of San Cassiano Martire, also mentioned as an oratory, is located in San Cassiano, in the northern part of the municipal territory. Built in the XVIII century, it has a neoclassical appearance due to the renovations that took place in that period. It was under the jurisdiction of the archdiocese of Ravenna and then of the diocese of Adria in 1818.

The Church of San Lorenzo Diacono and Martire, the parish church since 1959, is located in the center of the Selva hamlet and dates back to the first half of the XIX century.

The Oratory of Santa Maria Madre della Misericordia, built on the ruins of an ancient Paleochristian chapel around the mid-1700s, is a little hidden treasure to discover.


Crespino is a fascinating municipality full of history and culture. Despite past difficulties, the local population continues to keep their cultural heritage alive and looks to the future with hope and determination. If you want to discover the hidden treasures of this municipality, we invite you to come and explore the wonders of Crespino and the surrounding territory. We are waiting for you!

Valentina Fabbri
Updated Thursday, Jun 23, 2022