Crespano del Grappa

Welcome to Crespano del Grappa!

Hello everyone! Today I will talk to you about Crespano del Grappa, a beautiful location in the region of Veneto, in the province of Treviso. This area has a very rich history, dating back to the year 1085 when the toponym "Crespanum" was first mentioned. Over the centuries, Crespano has undergone many transformations, becoming an important craft and wool center, thanks to the presence of some patron families who contributed to the development of the territory. Furthermore, Crespano is famous for its military shrine, one of the main ossuaries of the First World War, located on Mount Grappa.

The history of Crespano

Crespano was one of the main locations of Pedemonte del Grappa already from the 11th century, when numerous properties of the Ezzelini family were present. But there are scattered archaeological finds that demonstrate the human settlement is prior. In the next century, the production of wool allowed the economic growth of the most famous Crespano families and from the 1300s there are numerous written documents. In 1862, the square with the fountain was completed, the bridge that connects Crespano with Paderno was built and the road to Molinetto was opened, allowing easier conjunction with neighboring countries, making Crespano a small town.

Crespano del Grappa: history, nature and culture in Veneto.

The territory of Crespano

The territory of Crespano is very vast and varied, with many hills, woods and trails to explore. You can take long walks to discover unspoiled nature or visit the vineyards and wineries of the area to taste the famous white wine of Crespano. In addition, the city is surrounded by a series of mountains that offer numerous opportunities for trekking, climbing, and mountain biking enthusiasts.

What to see in Crespano

Crespano is a city rich in history and art, with numerous monuments and places of interest to visit. One of the most famous is the military shrine of Monte Grappa, which preserves the graves of many Italian and Austro-Hungarian soldiers who died during the First World War. Every year, on the first weekend of August, a great ceremony is held in Crespano to commemorate the fallen of all nations who fought on the mountain. Furthermore, you can visit the church of Sant'Eulalia, the church of San Vito and the civic tower, which dominates the city from the highest point.

What to eat in Crespano

In this area of the province of Treviso, the cuisine is based on the authentic and genuine flavors of the local products. Among the typical dishes of Crespano, we recommend homemade fresh pasta, such as potato gnocchi, pizzoccheri, and tagliatelle with porcini mushrooms, and the famous cotechino of Crespano. Additionally, you can't leave the city without tasting local cheeses like piave and Asiago.

How to get to Crespano

Crespano del Grappa is located a few kilometers from Bassano del Grappa and can be easily reached by car from the state road 47. Alternatively, you could take the train to Bassano del Grappa station and from there take a bus to Crespano. If you want to fully appreciate the beauty of the territory, we recommend moving on foot or by bike.

I hope this brief overview of Crespano del Grappa has been useful in planning your trip. If you have already had the opportunity to visit this splendid hamlet of Pieve del Grappa, share with us your impressions and tell us what you liked the most!

Matteo Ferrari
Updated Thursday, Aug 11, 2022