
Cremosano - the story of an enchanted village

Cremosano, also known as Cremuzà in the Cremasco dialect, is a small Italian municipality in the province of Cremona, Lombardy. It is believed that the history of this enchanting village began around the year 1000, when Benedictine monks exploring the Moso area (Crema) discovered a very fertile area. They decided to reclaim it and built a monastery, which over the years became a support point for southern merchants heading to Milan. Even today, on the provincial road that crosses the village, it is possible to admire the monastery which, converted into a farm, has become the place where several families live.

A history marked by the plague epidemic of 1200

In the course of the 1200s, Cremosano had to face one of the most serious plague epidemics ever recorded in Italy. The epidemic, also known as the Plague of 1630, heavily affected the village. At the end of the epidemic, the inhabitants built a chapel where they prayed for the salvation of the sick. The chapel is still present in the center of the village and can be visited.

Cremosano: history, monuments and community in Lombardy.

Monuments and places of interest

One of the greatest places of interest in Cremosano is the church of Santa Maria Maddalena, the parish church of the village. This religious building, built in the 18th century, is one of the oldest monuments in Cremosano and represents a place of great historical and cultural value for the local community.

The Cremosano community

Cremosano today has just over 1700 inhabitants. Since 2020, the foreigners living in this Lombard village are 81, most of whom are Romanian.

Infrastructure and transport

The territory of Cremosano is crossed by several provincial roads, including CR SP 2 Crema-Vailate and CR SP 80 Pianengo-Cremosano. The village does not have a railway station, but is still well connected to nearby villages thanks to public transport services, such as buses.


Cremosano has had several mayors from 1988 to the present day. Furthermore, between 1927 and 1953, the municipality of Cremosano incorporated the suppressed municipalities of Campagnola Cremasca and Pianengo.


This section provides further details and reference notes on the village and its history.

Related voices

This section lists other places or attractions of particular interest near Cremosano, such as the Vacchelli Canal or the Ciclabile del Canale Vacchelli.

Other projects

In this section, other projects or reference websites are listed that may be useful for discovering further information about Cremosano and its history. If you have the opportunity to visit, Cremosano is certainly a magical and fascinating place to discover.

Erica Ferrari
Wrote by Erica Ferrari
Updated Tuesday, Oct 4, 2022