San Savino

Welcome to San Savino: a rural district in Cremona

Hello everyone! Today I will talk to you about San Savino, a district in the Municipality of Cremona located in the eastern countryside of the city. Life here is peaceful, far from the chaos of the city. Are you ready to discover more about this small corner of peace?

The history of San Savino

San Savino has ancient origins and was an agricultural village in the County of Cremona with only 245 inhabitants in the mid-18th century. During the Napoleonic period, from 1810 to 1816, San Savino was annexed to Cremona, but then regained its autonomy with the establishment of the Lombard-Venetian Kingdom. Later, in 1862, the municipality of San Savino was annexed to the Duemiglia of Cremona.

San Savino: a peaceful corner in the Cremonese countryside.

San Savino today

Today, San Savino is a district of Cremona that still preserves its rural spirit. Here you can admire vast green fields, ancient trees, and the silence that reigns supreme. In this place, life moves at slow and tranquil rhythms, which is why the locals are always smiling and friendly.

What to see in San Savino

Although San Savino is a small district, it still offers some attractions that are worth visiting. One of the most beautiful places to admire is the Church of San Savino, dating back to the 16th century and completely restored in 1955. The church is located in an ancient building and still preserves splendid original frescoes.

Furthermore, San Savino is famous for its wine production. Here you can find some of the best wineries in the area, producing high-quality and uniquely flavored wine. You can taste local wine and products, enjoying the peace of the Cremonese countryside.

How to reach San Savino

San Savino is located a few kilometers from the center of Cremona. It can be easily reached by car, and parking is always available. Alternatively, you can use the bicycle lane that starts from the city and crosses the fields, offering a beautiful panorama.


In conclusion, if you want to disconnect from the frenzy of the city and enjoy some peace and tranquility, San Savino is the ideal place. Here you can breathe pure air, enjoy the silence of the countryside, and discover the beauties of an area that is still little known. Come to San Savino, and you will be surprised by the beauty of this small corner of Lombardy!


This article was written for informational purposes only. For further information about San Savino, it is recommended to visit the official website of the Municipality of Cremona.

External links

For more information about the Municipality of Cremona and the San Savino district, please visit the official website of the Municipality. You will find all the necessary information to organize your visit.

Erica Ferrari
Wrote by Erica Ferrari
Updated Thursday, Sep 15, 2022