
Welcome to Cremenaga!

Hello everyone! Today we want to tell you about a town located in the province of Varese, in Lombardy. We are talking about Cremenaga, also known as ''Cremnàga'' in the Varesotto dialect. This small town has 784 inhabitants and is located on the left bank of the Tresa river.

Physical Geography

The Tresa river is important because it connects Lake Lugano with Lake Maggiore. Cremenaga borders to the north with the Swiss municipality of Monteggio, while being part of the Piambello Mountain Community. An interesting fact worth mentioning is that Cremenaga is a passage point between two states: there is a bridge with a customs office that connects it to Ponte Cremenaga, a hamlet of the Swiss municipality of Monteggio.

Cremenaga: history and beauty of a small Lombard municipality.

The history of Cremenaga

During the Spanish domination of Lombardy, Cremenaga was literally forgotten by the Iberian authorities, so much so that the village lived ''de facto'' in symbiosis with Switzerland, being subject to the Swiss ecclesiastical parish of Sessa. It was only later that the Austrians remembered it, and Cremenaga reiterated in 1754 to consider itself Swiss territory, but was forced to respect the obligations of inclusion in the Austrian competence space.

Society and demographic evolution

Cremenaga has had an interesting demographic evolution over the centuries. In 1805, the municipality had only 101 inhabitants, but in 1809 it was annexed to Marchirolo. In 1853, however, the number of inhabitants had increased to 208. Today, Cremenaga has 784 inhabitants, and if you want to visit this small town, we recommend taking the Ponte Tresa-Luino Railway.

Things to see in Cremenaga

The Church of Saints John the Baptist and Provino is a place of worship worth visiting. It is located in the center of Cremenaga and is a beautiful example of religious architecture. If you want to enjoy some time outdoors, we recommend taking a walk along the shores of the Tresa. You can admire the landscape and relax.


Cremenaga is a fascinating town that deserves to be visited. Its border position and its history make it a unique and interesting place. If you come to Lombardy, don't miss the opportunity to visit this beautiful municipality. In any case, we hope that this article has been useful to you and has made you want to discover Cremenaga!

Fabio Marino
Wrote by Fabio Marino
Updated Friday, Oct 14, 2022