
Welcome to Crema!

Hello everyone! Today we will talk about Crema, an Italian municipality located in the province of Cremona in Lombardy. About 33,773 people live here and the municipality is the main center after the province's capital, Cremona. In this article, we will talk about the physical geography, history, and art of the area.

Cream: Art, History and Geography in the Heart of the Po Valley.

Physical Geography


Crema is located in the low Po Valley, just beyond the resurgence line on the right bank of the Serio River, and is the main center of the province after the capital Cremona. The municipality belongs to the agricultural region nº 2 (Crema plain) and is included in the context of the Serio Park. It is located 79 meters above sea level and is 40 km away from Cremona.


The geological formation of this territorial area can be distinguished into different phases. In the past, the territory was entirely submerged by the waters of the Adda, Serio, and Oglio rivers. Later, there was a phase in which these rivers broke up, creating an area surrounded by swamps. Finally, there was a reclamation work that allowed to transform the swamps into a cultivable plain. While the highest part of the plain is composed of alluvial or drier transport soil, the southern one is more of a marsh (hydrography).


The Serio River constitutes the hydrographic backbone of the territorial area of Crema. With reference to the minor water network, consisting of about a hundred watercourses that intersect throughout the territory, notable is the Vacchelli Canal, 34 km long, which branches off from the Adda and then irrigates the lands of the low Cremonese.



The origins of Crema are linked to the Lombard invasion of the 6th century. The name probably derives from the Lombard term "Crem" which means "height". According to tradition, the foundation of the city dates back to August 15, 570 when, faced with the threat posed by the Lombard invasion, the inhabitants of the area took refuge in the highest part of the "Mosa island", preparing it for defense under the leadership first of Cremete, count of Palazzo, and then of Fulcherio.


Saints Peter and Marcellinus Cathedral

The Saints Peter and Marcellinus Cathedral is a religious building in the historic center of Crema and is one of the most important monuments of the city. The construction of the cathedral began in the 12th century and was completed in the 18th century. The building has a Romanesque architectural style and takes its name from the saints Peter and Marcellinus, who are the two figures represented together on the city's coat of arms.

Municipal Palace

The Municipal Palace is a building located in the central square of the historic center of Crema. Built between the 14th and 16th centuries, it has undergone numerous renovations. Today, it houses the headquarters of the municipality and some public offices. Its original structure consisted of an open portico that occupied an entire side of the square.

San Domenico Theatre

The San Domenico Theatre is a historic theatre in Crema, located in Piazza del Guazzetto. Built at the end of the 19th century, it underwent a major restoration in the 20th century. Today, it hosts shows of all kinds, including opera, ballet, and music. The theatre has a capacity of 800 seats and is considered one of the most important theatres in the area.

Crema is a city rich in history and art that deserves to be visited. If you are looking for a peaceful and suggestive destination, Crema is the right place for you!

Erica Ferrari
Wrote by Erica Ferrari
Updated Sunday, May 15, 2022