
The Ducal Castle of De Riseis-D'Aragona in Crecchio

If you are in Abruzzo and you are a lover of medieval history and art, you cannot miss a visit to the Ducal Castle of De Riseis-D'Aragona in Crecchio. This splendid castle is located in the province of Chieti and is currently home to the Museum of Byzantine and Early Medieval Abruzzo. Let's discover together the history of the castle and its unique architecture.


The origins of the castle are not clear, but we know that it was built starting from a pre-existing tower in the 13th century. Over the centuries, the castle underwent several transformations, until it assumed its current form in the 15th century. Initially, the castle was a defensive structure, but later was transformed into a noble residence equipped with all the comforts of the time.

During World War II, the castle hosted the royal family of Casa Savoia in Flight of Victor Emmanuel III. Unfortunately, the following June, the castle was damaged by bombings. Recent restoration works have brought the castle back to its ancient glory.

The Ducal Castle De Riseis-D'Aragona: Medieval History and Art in Abruzzo.


The Ducal Castle of De Riseis-D'Aragona is located on a hill between the Arielli and Rifago rivers. The main structure of the castle consists of four corner towers that enclose as many buildings. The largest and oldest tower is the Tower of the Olive Tree, whose structure dates back to the 11th century. The Aragonese Tower, next to the Tower of the Olive Tree, was rebuilt after the damages of World War II, but dates back to the 15th century. The other two towers, called De Riseis Towers, were built in the 18th century.

The castle is surrounded by walls and has a large garden, although the latter has been partially sacrificed for the construction of an elementary school. Access to the castle is via a bridge that leads directly to the main structure.


The Ducal Castle of De Riseis-D'Aragona has a square plan and is designed as a noble residence. The four corner towers enclose as many buildings, each of which has its own architectural style.

The Tower of the Olive Tree, the largest of the four, dates back to the 11th century and has a Norman tower shape. The Aragonese Tower was rebuilt, but also dates back to the 15th century. Instead, the De Riseis Towers date back to the 18th century and have a square plan.


Inside the Ducal Castle of De Riseis-D'Aragona, there is the Museum of Byzantine and Early Medieval Abruzzo. The museum houses a rich collection of art and archaeological objects that tell the history of Abruzzo from the Byzantine age to the Early Middle Ages.

The exhibited objects include mosaics, icons, liturgical artifacts, archaeological finds, and historical documents. In particular, the Byzantine icons dating back to the 9th and 10th centuries and a precious golden astylar processional cross dating back to the 11th century stand out.


The Ducal Castle of De Riseis-D'Aragona in Crecchio is a must-see for lovers of medieval history and art. Its unique architecture and millennia-old history make it one of the jewels of Abruzzo. If you are in the area, you cannot miss a visit to this magnificent castle.

Elisa Lombardi
Updated Friday, Jan 20, 2023