Crandola Valsassina

Welcome to Crandola Valsassina!

Dear readers, welcome to Crandola Valsassina, a small Italian municipality with a population of only 261 inhabitants in the Lombardy region. Today we will take you on a tour of our city, with a bit of history, geography, monuments and places of interest, and even a look at our demographic evolution. Are you ready? Let's begin!

Physical Geography

Crandola Valsassina is located in the upper Valsassina, in Lombardy. Our municipality extends on a natural terrace at the foot of Mount Cimone and borders the municipalities of Taceno and Margno (with the Pian delle Betulle). We have a hamlet called Vegno. If you are looking for a peaceful place to spend your holidays, Crandola Valsassina is a perfect choice.

Let's discover Crandola Valsassina: history, monuments, and curiosities.


Crandola Valsassina was originally a hamlet of Margno, but since 1957 it has been an autonomous municipality. In 1928 the hamlet was annexed to Margno. The name Crandola Valsassina was adopted in 1957. It would be nice to learn more about our history and traditions, don't you think?


Our coat of arms and banner were granted by decree of the President of the Republic in 2003. The banner is divided in red and yellow. We are proud of our symbols and display them with pleasure on all occasions.

Monuments and Places of Interest

Crandola Valsassina is a place full of monuments and places of interest; our city of art is famous for the beauty of its architectural and cultural treasures.

Church of Sant'Antonio Abate

The Church of Sant'Antonio Abate is one of the major attractions of Crandola Valsassina. Built in the 16th century, it houses late 16th-century frescoes and 17th-century statues inside. The bell tower is in Lombard Romanesque style with a two-light window. The church is popularly called "del purcel". It is one of the most visited places by tourists and believers.

Oratory of San Giovanni Battista

The Oratory of San Giovanni Battista was rebuilt in the 16th century on the basis of a previous chapel. The presbytery houses frescoes dating back to the early 17th century, depicting a ''Crucifixion among St. John the Baptist and St. Ambrose''.''.</ref>'' A must-visit for art lovers.


Demographic Evolution

Our city has had an interesting demographic evolution; in 1805 it counted 295 inhabitants, in 1853 we were 380, and in 1961 only 259. Despite our limited population, we consider ourselves a big family.


We hope our short tour has helped you get to know Crandola Valsassina a little better and that you have had fun. If you are looking for a peaceful place, with the possibility of admiring wonderful works of art, this is the right place for you. Thank you for your attention!

Chiara Russo
Wrote by Chiara Russo
Updated Wednesday, Oct 5, 2022