
The History of Barbiano

Barbiano is a hamlet located within the commune of Cotignola, in the province of Ravenna. Its name, Barbiân in the Romagnol language, is linked to the figure of Alberico da Barbiano, a great military leader and condottiero.

Origin of the Name

There is no certain explanation for the meaning of the name "Barbiano". It is presumed that "Barbiân" derives from the Latin term "Barbarianum", which refers to a place where an army gathers. Other interpretations suggest a Celtic or Germanic origin.

The history of Barbiano: from the figure of Alberico da Barbiano to the reconstructed castle.


Early Settlements

According to a legend reported by Girolamo Bonoli, Barbiano was founded before the year 829 when a fief called "Buguntio" was donated to Abbess Agata. However, there are no recognized sources that confirm this theory.

The first documented records of Barbiano date back to 950, when reference is made to the parish of Santo Stefano "vocatur in Barbiano". The parish, which had spiritual and baptismal jurisdiction over a vast territory, also included Lugo and Fusignano.

Late Middle Ages

The Middle Ages of Barbiano are closely linked to the figure of Alberico da Barbiano, who transformed the small village into a fortified castle. The da Barbiano family exerted their supremacy over nearby Lugo until the mid-15th century.

In 1333, Ostasio I da Polenta seized Lugo. However, in 1338, Manfredo da Barbiano, an ally of the Archbishop of Ravenna, re-conquered Lugo and gave it to Taddeo Pepoli, a Guelph lord of Bologna. In 1352, the da Barbiano family definitively lost Lugo, which passed to the Visconti family.

The castle of the counts of Cunio, belonging to the da Barbiano family, was demolished in 1409. Lodovico da Barbiano, son of Alberico, fought alongside the troops of the anti-Pope John XXIII against his father and demolished the castle. Later, Lodovico obtained possession of Lugo, Massa Lombarda, and Conselice, as well as the title of count.


In 1430, the da Barbiano family received the county of Belgioioso. In 1436, they left Romagna and took possession of the castle in Lombardy. Despite abandoning their homeland, the descendants of the da Barbiano family continued to use the comital title of Cunio.

The legacy of the da Barbiano family is still visible in Barbiano today. The castle, which has been rebuilt, offers a spectacular view of the surrounding countryside. Additionally, the figure of Alberico da Barbiano continues to be celebrated in the area.


The history of Barbiano is linked to the figure of Alberico da Barbiano and the da Barbiano family, the counts of Cunio. Despite losing their power over nearby Lugo, their legacy continues to be present in the area. The castle has been rebuilt and remains a tourist attraction. Additionally, the figure of Alberico da Barbiano is still celebrated in the area as a great military leader and condottiero.

Marco Damico
Wrote by Marco Damico
Updated Friday, Jun 10, 2022