
Cotignola: the city of quince apples

Hello friends, today I'll tell you a bit about the history and curiosities of Cotignola, a city in the northwest of Emilia-Romagna, located on the banks of the Senio River. Cotignola is famous for the cultivation of quince apples, which represent its coat of arms. Let's discover together something more about this city!

Geography and climate

Cotignola is located in the fertile alluvial plain surrounded by the city of Ravenna, between Faenza and Lugo. The city has a Mediterranean climate, with hot and dry summers and cold and humid winters.

Cotignola: history, culture and the famous quince apple.

Origins of the name

The name Cotignola first appeared in a document from 919, but not as a toponym. The most accredited hypothesis on the origins of the name is that the city was named after the presence of many quince apple trees.


Cotignola played an important role during the Middle Ages and the Kingdom of Italy. In 1217, the citizens of Faenza, to counteract the expansion of the counts of Cunio, built a fortress in Cotignola. In 1274, the people of Forlì built a new castle and in 1411, Cotignola became a fiefdom of Muzio Attendolo, who obtained the title of county for the city. The city then passed into the hands of Francesco Sforza, Duke of Milan, in 1450. During the First World War, Sergeant Major Giannetto Vassura, a native of Cotignola, distinguished himself as a bomber pilot.

The quince apples

As I mentioned earlier, quince apples are one of the symbols of Cotignola. This type of apple, which has a very particular shape, is mainly used for the production of jams and desserts. In Cotignola, every year a festival dedicated to quince apples is held, during which you can taste many dishes based on this delicious fruit.


Cotignola is a city that has a particular charm, both for its history and for the cultivation of quince apples. If you are in the area, I recommend you to pay a visit, perhaps during the quince apple festival, to enjoy the unique atmosphere that can be breathed in this city in the province of Ravenna.

Marco Damico
Wrote by Marco Damico
Updated Friday, Jun 10, 2022