Costigliole Saluzzo

Hello friends, I would like to talk about a truly special Italian town: Costigliole Saluzzo! It is located in the province of Cuneo, in Piedmont, and is home to about 3322 people. It is a picturesque and charming place, located a short distance from some of the most well-known cities in the region.

Physical geography

Costigliole Saluzzo is located at the entrance of the Valle Varaita and is often called "the town of the three castles", as it is dominated by Castello Rosso, Castello Reynaudi and Castellòt. The medieval village that stands here is rich in buildings of historical and artistic value, including the beautiful Church of Santa Maria Maddalena. Here we can find many villas and palaces, including the Palazzo Giriodi di Monastero, seat of the Municipality, and the Palazzo Sarriod de La Tour, seat of the Municipal Library. Thanks to the particularity of the climate, the area is renowned for agriculture and is fully part of the Saluzzo fruit district.


The municipal territory extends from a minimum height of 400 meters above sea level to a maximum of 938 meters above sea level in the Bricco Alto locality. The town hall is located at 460 meters above sea level. According to the seismic classification of the Civil Protection, the Costigliole Saluzzo area falls within zone 3, with low seismic hazard.

Costigliole Saluzzo: the medieval village of the three castles.


The plain of the municipal territory is located at the western end of the Cuneo plain and is formed by series of gravelly-sandy alluvial deposits. Here are the alluvial deposit sequences of the Varaita, whose watercourse plays a fundamental role in the water supply of the aquifer. This means that Costigliole Saluzzo has a particular and ideal climate for agriculture.


The climate of Costigliole Saluzzo is pleasant and temperate. Winter can be cold, but never harsh, while summer is characterized by a warm but not excessively humid climate. It is an ideal place to grow fruit, and this is the basis of the local agriculture.

Origin of the name

The name Costigliole Saluzzo derives from the Latin "costeolae", which indicates the low foothills of Mount Pagliano (Cozie Alps) on which it arose.


Ancient times

The first certain information about the village of Costigliole Saluzzo dates back to the beginning of the 12th century, but recent archaeological excavations have brought to light traces of the Roman era and historical studies have documented the settlement of Ligurian tribes in ancient times.

Middle Ages

In the Middle Ages, Costigliole Saluzzo was an important fiefdom governed by the "da Costigliole" consortium, loyal to the Marquisate of Saluzzo. The lordship of these fiefs passed through various noble families, including the Roero, Placenza, Solarolo and Mongardino, until the end of the 15th century.


During the Renaissance, the area of Costigliole Saluzzo saw a new cultural and economic development. Numerous artists, architects and sculptors came here to collaborate in the construction of noble villas that became a testament to the beauty and elegance of this place.

Modern age

In the eighteenth century, Costigliole Saluzzo experienced significant economic development thanks to the construction of new roads linking the town to the main surrounding urban centers. In the twentieth century, Costigliole Saluzzo underwent a significant period of decline, which was however countered in the 1990s, when new urban interventions were carried out. Today, Costigliole Saluzzo is a fascinating place of great tourist importance.

In conclusion, if you are looking for a quiet, picturesque, and rich in history place, Costigliole Saluzzo is the perfect place for you. You can admire the beauty of its landscapes, visit ancient castles, and enjoy a particularly pleasant climate. Come and visit this jewel in the heart of Piedmont and discover its timeless beauty!

Irene Mariani
Wrote by Irene Mariani
Updated Saturday, Sep 3, 2022