
Costermano sul Garda: A Brief Introduction

If you're interested in visiting the province of Verona in Veneto, then you should take a look at the municipality of Costermano sul Garda. This municipality has around 3849 inhabitants and is located northwest of Verona, about 35 kilometers away. Costermano is at the center of communication routes that lead to the medium lake, Garda, and Monte Baldo. The territory, like that of Rome, is developed on seven hills, namely Castello, Montegolo, Are di Sopra, Le Guardie, Boffenigo, Murlongo, and Baesse. In this summary, we will focus on the Valle dei Mulini, an area of ​​great natural value that extends between the municipalities of Garda and Costermano sul Garda.

Physical Geography

As mentioned earlier, Costermano sul Garda is located in a privileged position from which the Garda lake and Monte Baldo can be easily reached. In particular, the Valle dei Mulini is located between the two municipalities of Garda and Costermano sul Garda. This valley was formed by the Tesina stream, which carved out a river incision of about 100 meters deep. The Valle dei Mulini is an area of ​​exceptional natural value that has been declared a Site of Community Interest (SIC) since 2000 and is safeguarded by the European Union.

Costermano sul Garda: discover the wonderful Valle dei Mulini.

The Valle dei Mulini

The Valle dei Mulini is a place of high environmental, geological and landscape value that allows the settlement of a great variety of plant and animal species. In particular, there are different habitats such as the riverbed, the petrifying springs with travertine formations, the wet meadows of the valley floor, the woodland environment, the olive grove, the areas with dry grassland and the anthropized areas such as the rural courts. Thanks to the presence of this mosaic of habitats, 235 plant species representative of 69 families have been recorded. At the faunal level, the valley constitutes an important ecological corridor for many species of birds and mammals.

The Animals of Valle dei Mulini

Speaking of birds, in the Valle dei Mulini some species nest such as Sylvia atricapilla, Hippolais polyglotta, Motacilla alba, Strix aluco, Garrulus glandarius, Accipiter nisus, Dendrocopos major, Picus viridis, hoopoe, Cuculus canorus and many others. Among the present mammals, there are: the badger, foxes, hedgehogs, Sciurus vulgaris, the beech marten, the roe deer, the mole and other small mammals such as the mole.

The Unique Geological Sections in Valle dei Mulini

Finally, the Valle dei Mulini is characterized by rare natural geological sections that are unique throughout the Morena del Garda. These sections are made up of the steep slopes that slope towards each other present in the valley.

In conclusion, the Valle dei Mulini is definitely a place worth visiting if you are passionate about nature and the discovery of new and unique habitats. Not only will you enjoy the beauty of the landscape, but also the great variety of animal and plant species that populate this valley.

Alessandro Romano
Updated Monday, Feb 21, 2022