
Discover Cossato together!

Hello everyone! Today I want to talk to you about Cossato, a municipality in the province of Biella in Piedmont, Italy. With its 13,995 inhabitants, Cossato is the second most populous and economically important municipality in the province, but what really makes it special is its incredible beauty. Let's begin our journey to discover Cossato!

Physical geography

Cossato is located in the province of Biella and covers an area of 27.73 km². The city is located at an altitude of 257 m above sea level. Its urban development follows the direction of the main roads: the center is located along the Strada statale 142 Biellese, and the numerous hamlets are distributed along the road to Mottalciata on the Baraggivo plateau and on the hills towards Quaregna, Lessona and Valle Mosso.

Cossato: history, art and nature in the heart of Piedmont.



The coat of arms of the municipality of Cossato was granted by Royal decree on May 9, 1929.

Monuments and places of interest

Cossato is famous for its monuments and places of interest, which testify to its history. The parish church of Santa Maria Assunta, which was built before 1000, was rebuilt in 1614 after it collapsed two years earlier. The Castello di Castellengo, on the outskirts of the Baragge di Candelo, is another place not to be missed. The Church of Saints Peter and Paul, near the Castello di Castellengo, is a medieval building, renovated over the years with the addition of different styles. Villa Ranzoni, an eighteenth-century building and the seat of the Municipal Library, is also a very popular tourist attraction. Villa Fecia, belonging to the Counts Fecia di Cossato, includes a large park and a church, the Oratory of Santa Margherita, and is another place of great charm. Villa Berlanghino, in neoclassical style, is a large building with an imposing wooden staircase and a public park outside. Villa Engaddi, the former residence of Bishop Losana on the hills of Monteferrario, is another very suggestive place. The "Castellone", an ancient residence on the hills, is another very interesting historical monument. Finally, the Baragge Oriented Nature Reserve is another place not to be missed in Cossato.

The center

The center of the city is the parish church of Santa Maria Assunta, and the oldest part is the one surrounding the current Piazza Gramsci. At Piazza Chiesa, characteristic alleys branch off. The main street is pedestrian in the vicinity of Piazza Angiono, the seat of the Town Hall. The Civic Library at Villa Ranzoni is another place not to be missed. In Piazza Croce Rossa, the weekly market is held, which has made Cossato famous as a meeting and exchange center between the plain and the Strona Valley.

Among courtyards and hamlets

The charm of Cossato is not found so much in its center as in its hamlets, clusters of houses facing a street or an internal courtyard, scattered throughout the territory. In Via Tarino (''cà 'd Tarin'') you can admire ancient palaces, while the hamlet of Fecia with the beautiful square, where the palace of the Counts Fecia stands out. The hamlet of Lavino (''cà 'd Lavin'') is characterized by the Oratory of Santa Caterina. Don't miss the opportunity to visit these hamlets!

In conclusion, Cossato is a city full of surprises and wonderful places to visit. There is so much to see and do, so don't hesitate to visit it. Cossato is waiting for you!

Andrea Fontana
Updated Monday, Jul 18, 2022