
Discover Mercatale, a historic village of Cortona

Located in the province of Arezzo, in the splendid Val di Pierle, Mercatale is a small village of Cortona with ancient and fascinating history. Crossed by the Niccone river and surrounded by green hills, this location offers the opportunity to immerse oneself in nature and discover its hidden treasures.

History of Mercatale

The area where Mercatale stands was already inhabited in Roman times but was abandoned around the 5th century due to barbarian invasions. Later, around the year 1000, Benedictine monks from the abbey of Vallombrosa founded the village as a marketplace on the road that led from Cortona to Perugia. In the 13th century, the castle of Pierle, built by the Marquis of Monte Santa Maria Tiberina, was subjugated by the city of Cortona. In 1300, the current fortress of Mercatale was built to defend Cortona from enemy Perugia and was subsequently sold to the noble Degli Oddi family of Perugia. In 1383, during the Black Death epidemic that hit Cortona, Mercatale was chosen as a refuge for the surviving Cortonese. In 1411, the Florentines purchased the village and part of the Niccone Valley up to just after Sant'Andrea di Sorbello, which became the border between the Republic of Florence and the Papal State. Over time, Mercatale lost its strategic and customs significance, remaining a small village on the border between Umbria and Tuscany.

Mercatale, history and nature in Val di Pierle

What to see in Mercatale

Despite its small size, Mercatale is rich in monuments and interesting places to visit. The fortress of Mercatale, built in the 13th century, is one of the few examples of military architecture in Val di Pierle and offers a panoramic view of the valley. The church of Santa Maria Assunta, dating back to the 16th century, is the most representative religious building in Mercatale. In addition, there are several historic residences in the village such as the castle of Reschio and the Brunamonti villa, both built in the 17th century. Don't miss the Val di Pierle museum, which illustrates the history of the territory and preserves archaeological finds from the Roman and Etruscan periods.

What to do in Mercatale

Mercatale and the Val di Pierle offer many activities for those who want to spend time outdoors and have fun with sports and relaxation. The surrounding hills are perfect for trekking, mountain biking and birdwatching enthusiasts. The Niccone river, popular with fishermen, is ideal for refreshing swims and canoe trips. In the summer, you can participate in village festivals and cultural events such as the Mercatino delle Arti of Mercatale and the Festival della Val di Pierle. Additionally, for food lovers, the area offers high quality local products such as Chianti wine, extra virgin olive oil, and pecorino cheese.


Mercatale is a place of discreet charm but capable of surprising with its history and natural beauty. Perfect for a day trip or a holiday in nature, it is an ideal destination for those who want to discover the hidden treasures of Tuscany and Umbria. Do not hesitate to visit Mercatale and be enchanted by its timeless charm.

Federico Conte
Updated Friday, Jul 8, 2022