
Cortenova: a Municipality in the Province of Lecco in the Heart of Valsassina

Cortenova is a small Municipality of 1171 inhabitants located in the province of Lecco in Lombardy. Situated on the left bank of the Pioverna stream, it is surrounded by the slopes of the Grigna, a wonderful mountain range that serves as a backdrop to the town. Thanks to its strategic location, Cortenova is the starting point for the Provincial Road 65, which connects Parlasco and communicates Valsassina with Val d'Esino.

The History of Cortenova

The history of Cortenova dates back to the Roman era when the locality was crossed by the "Via Spluga", a Roman road that connected Milan to Lindau passing through the Spluga Pass. In the Liber Notitiae Sanctorum Mediolani, Cortenova is mentioned as "Curtenouea". Over the centuries, the town has undergone numerous changes and transformations. In the twelfth century, there were two churches in Cortenova, that of Sant'Ambrogio and that of San Michele. Three centuries later, a new church was rebuilt, that of Santi Protaso and Gervasio, at the behest of Cardinal Federico Borromeo.

Cortenova: History, Monuments, and Natural Beauties of Valsassina.

The Symbols of Cortenova

The coat of arms of the Municipality of Cortenova was granted by decree of the President of the Republic in 2003. The gear wheel on a red background represents activities related to the extraction and processing of iron, which have been very important for the town. The sheaf of ears, on the other hand, is a symbol of agriculture and the activities related to it, which have always characterized the flat part of Valsassina.

Monuments and Places of Interest in Cortenova

Cortenova is a town rich in monuments and places of interest, including the religious architecture located within the historic center.

The Church of the Saints Gervasio and Protasio

The Church of the Saints Gervasio and Protasio dates back to the thirteenth century and was reconsecrated in 1628. In Baroque style, this splendid church houses a fifteenth-century fresco depicting "The Virgin with Child between Saints", a main marble altar in the shape of a temple from 1779, a statue of the Madonna of the Rosary dating back to the seventeenth century, and contemporary wooden furnishings.

The Oratory of Saints Fermo and Rustico

The Oratory of Saints Fermo and Rustico, also known as the "oratory of San Fermo", was completed no later than 1591. Initially, it was dedicated to Saints Ambrogio, Santa Cecilia, and Nicola da Tolentino, but later, the religious building was dedicated only to the two saints, who are represented in the sculptural cycle of the altar painting. The church houses several stained-glass windows depicting the saints.

The Landslide of 2002

In December 2002, a massive landslide hit the hamlet of Bindo, destroying much of the village. After years of work, the hamlet has been reborn, and the Provincial Road SP62 has been reconnected with a tunnel, reopening to traffic in 2009.

Cortenova is a town rich in history, monuments, and natural beauty, which is worth visiting to immerse oneself in the culture and tradition of Valsassina.

Chiara Russo
Wrote by Chiara Russo
Updated Tuesday, Feb 22, 2022