
Welcome to Corrido - a brief overview of the town

Welcome to Corrido, a peaceful municipality located on the Morena Hills, at the foot of Mount Colmen, in Lombardy. With its 815 inhabitants, Corrido is a great starting point for excursions in the area, especially towards the Valle Rezzo and Val Cavargna. In this text, we will share some basic information about the geography and history of the town, as well as some of its symbols and places of interest.

Physical geography

The municipality of Corrido is situated on the Morena Hills that cover the slopes of Mount Colmen, with a panoramic view of the debris cone of the Cuccio stream. The altitude varies between 480 and 570 meters and the town is located on the right orography of Val Cavargna, extending towards the Valle Rezzo.

Corrido: history and monuments of a Lombard municipality


During the Duchy of Milan, Corrido was part of the parish of Porlezza. Later, during Austrian Lombardy, the municipality was initially included in the Province of Como and then, in 1791, it returned to the Province of Milan. During the territorial reorganizations of the Kingdom of Italy, Corrido saw an expansion of its boundaries, which extended to the municipalities of Val Rezzo and Seghebbia. After the fall of Napoleon and the transfer of Lombardy to the Austro-Hungarians, the aggregation was abolished and Corrido became one of the municipalities of the Province of Como.


The symbol of Corrido consists of the cross of St. George on a red background, with the motto "Veritas Vincit" (Truth will conquer). The double coat of arms of the town underwent numerous variations in the 19th and 20th centuries.

Monuments and places of interest

Religious buildings

The town is home to the church of Saints Materno and Martino, a parish church built in 1587 to replace a previous structure. The church is in Baroque style and has a precious polychrome scagliola altarpiece by the Magistri Antelami. There are also some small chapels from the 17th century, including those of St. Anthony Abbot, St. Anthony of Padua, and St. Benedict martyr.

Civil buildings

On the outskirts of the town, on the road to Carlazzo, is the Saltone Bridge, which crosses a charming Gola, where the Cuccio stream forms a waterfall that flows into a deep well. Just below the current bridge, there are the remains of an older bridge that collapsed over time. Just above the San Pietro Bridge is the homonymous mill, disused but still well-preserved and one of the few examples of the perseverance and ability of the inhabitants of Corrido, in keeping alive the ancient traditions of the place.

So, if you decide to visit Corrido on your next trip, be sure to take a look at these monuments and places of interest. Have a pleasant stay!

Martina Caruso
Updated Saturday, Sep 17, 2022