Cornedo Vicentino

Welcome to Cornedo Vicentino, the new Italian city!

Welcome to Cornedo Vicentino, the Italian city recently awarded the honorary title of "city" by the President of the Republic on February 22, 2022. Located in the middle Agno Valley, Cornedo has a rich and interesting history that is worth exploring. Let's discover together the origins of its name and the history of the city.

Origins of the name

The name "Cornedo" has Latin origins and is related to the presence of numerous Cornus mas, wild plants with small edible fruits, slightly sour in taste. The name of the municipality was Cornedo until 1928. The adjective "Vicentino" was added after the Unification of Italy to facilitate the clear and immediate identification of the location.

Cornedo Vicentino: history and charm of a new Italian city.


Cornedo has an ancient and fascinating history. It has been inhabited since prehistoric times, as evidenced by archaeological findings. The first real development occurred in the early Middle Ages with the construction of the castle on the hill of S. Sebastiano, of which the ruins are still visible today in the eponymous district of Zamperetti. The castle already existed in 974 and the lands were a fief of the Trissino nobles. During the Middle Ages, Cornedo belonged to the bishop of Vicenza and was a fief of the Zamperetti family and later of the Trissino. Arnaldo Zamperetti, a doctor, historian, traveler, patron, translated "diverse sorte di banchetti" by Timachida of Rhodes, eleven volumes of ancient Greek cuisine.

The Zamperetti family contributed to the evolutionary process of the entire Agno Valley by creating a cultural circle at the Zamperetti Castle, which hosted the main exponents of art and culture of the time. During the war between the Republic of Venice and the Visconti, and then during the War of the League of Cambrai, Cornedo suffered serious devastation. In fact, the castle of Cornedo, a strategic access point to the Holy Roman Empire, was a domain of the emperors through feudal investiture to the Trissino. After the death of Ezzelino, Cornedo passed into the hands of the Visconti and then of the Della Scala. Later, Cornedo accepted the dominion of the Most Serene Republic, sanctioned by the act of spontaneous surrender signed in 1404 by the people of Vicenza.

During the fifteenth century, Giovan Giorgio Trissino, grandfather of the humanist Gian Giorgio Trissino, reconquered the territories of the valley that had previously belonged to owners or communities that had remained faithful to the Visconti.

Today, Cornedo is a modern and vibrant city, with 11,776 inhabitants and a rich tourist offer that combines the beauty of the territory and landscape with the history and culture of the place.


In conclusion, Cornedo Vicentino, the new Italian city, represents a place of great interest both from a historical and cultural point of view. The city, awarded the prestigious title of "city," is a place to visit and discover, with an ancient history and a rich and fascinating culture. Come and discover Cornedo Vicentino and let yourself be enchanted by its unique charm!

Simone Costa
Wrote by Simone Costa
Updated Monday, Oct 31, 2022