
Welcome to Corleone!

Hello everyone! Today I'm going to talk to you about Corleone, an Italian municipality located in the metropolitan city of Palermo in Sicily. With its 10,614 inhabitants and a population density of 49 people per square kilometre, Corleone is an experience not to be missed if you want to visit Sicily.

Corleone: Nature Excursions in Sicily.

Discover the physical geography of Corleone

The territory

Corleone covers an area of 22,912 hectares, located in an inland mountainous area. The area between the "rocca ri maschi", the upper and lower castles, represents a focal point of the town. Corleone is situated at an altitude of 542 metres above sea level and is classified as a seismic zone 2 (medium-high seismicity). There are also places of natural interest such as the source of the Drago near the Ficuzza forest and the Cascata delle due Rocche.

Explore the Gole del Drago

Along the road that leads from Ficuzza to Corleone, following the old railway line that connected Palermo to San Carlo (Chiusa Sclafani), you reach an old bridge crossed by the Frattina stream. Here, thanks to the erosive action of water and karst, you can admire sinkholes, whirlpools and small waterfalls. Hiking enthusiasts can also see the "giant's pots", cylindrical and deep holes where the water takes a whirlpool shape. The place is rich in animals such as the Testudo (zoology), fish and dragonflies, as well as birds of prey such as the kestrel and the peregrine falcon. Nature lovers will find the walls of the slope covered with rock plants of great botanical interest.

Admire the Cascata delle Due Rocche

Inside the territory of Corleone, a few steps from the historic centre, you'll find the "Natural Park of the Cascata delle Due Rocche". After crossing a picturesque neighbourhood where a small church dedicated to the Madonna delle Due Rocche stands, you arrive at the waterfalls. Here, sitting on ancient rocks or in the shade of centuries-old trees, you can admire the spectacle of the waterfall. It's an ideal place for a quiet walk to do with friends or family, surrounded by the unspoiled nature of Sicily.


In conclusion, Corleone is a city that offers many opportunities for hiking and nature enthusiasts. With its Gole del Drago and Cascata delle Due Rocche, Corleone represents a must-see stop for those who love to discover Sicily's natural heritage. Don't hesitate to visit it!

Marco Rossi
Wrote by Marco Rossi
Updated Saturday, Oct 1, 2022