Corigliano Calabro

Hello, friends from Corigliano Calabro!

Are you ready to discover more about your beautiful hamlet? I'll tell you everything in a friendly and informal tone!

Origins of the name

The name Corigliano Calabro has uncertain origins and different interpretations. According to some sources, the toponym derives from the Latin "Corellianum", which indicates a farm from the late Roman period. On the other hand, other hypotheses trace it back to the Byzantine Greek term "choríon", which means "village" or "country." Furthermore, some argue that the name originates from "choríon elàion," which instead indicates a "village of oil."

Corigliano Calabro: history, traditions and fusion with Rossano.


The history of Corigliano starts from ancient times and sees Ausoni and Enotri as protagonists, who would have given the city the name "Ausonia." Subsequently, during the birth of Sybaris, the surrounding territory underwent strong Hellenization. The third phase coincides with the transfer to the hill of Serratore of a group of Sybaritic exiles after the destruction of their city. Their descendants, federated with the new inhabitants of the city of Thurii, would have welcomed the Roman Gaio Marzio, who wanted to leave the victorious nickname of which he enjoyed to the Ausoni-Turini in return for the excellent hospitality received. Thus the name of the town became Ausonia, "civitas Coriolanensium." The last and most reliable phase is linked to the destruction of the hamlet of San Mauro by the Saracens in the 10th century.

Merger of municipalities

On October 22, 2017, through a referendum, the process of merging with the neighboring municipality of Rossano began, which culminated on March 31, 2018, in the establishment of the new municipality of Corigliano-Rossano. In this way, the two locations put together their resources and traditions, to create a single stronger and more cohesive reality.

Albanian minority

The hamlet of Cantinella is famous because it is part of the Albanian minority in Italy, which still maintains the Byzantine language and rite alive. This is a real cultural treasure that its inhabitants preserve with pride and dedication.

Andrea Cicala

The first feudal lord of Corigliano of whom there is certain news is Andrea Cicala, a faithful follower of Frederick II. Thanks to his work, the city experienced a phase of development and growth, even if later it had to undergo numerous wars and conquests by enemy armies.

So here are some elements of the history and present of Corigliano Calabro, a hamlet that contains a historical and cultural heritage of inestimable value. Dear friends, I promise you that I will come back to visit you soon!

Paola Santoro
Wrote by Paola Santoro
Updated Tuesday, Nov 22, 2022