Coreglia Antelminelli

Welcome to Coreglia Antelminelli!

Hello friends! Are you ready to take a virtual trip to Tuscany? Today, I'm going to talk about Coreglia Antelminelli, a municipality in the province of Lucca with just over 5,000 inhabitants. Get ready to discover its geography, the history of its origins, and its most significant events. Let's begin!

Physical Geography

Coreglia Antelminelli is located in the area of the Apuan Alps, a mountain range in Tuscany. It is bathed by the Serchio River and surrounded by chestnut forests and green pastures. The village rises 515 meters above sea level and is characterized by a rather temperate climate.

Coreglia Antelminelli: history and geography of a Tuscan municipality.

Origins of the name

Coreglia Antelminelli owes its name to the fact that it was, in the past, an important crossroads area. The term "Coreglia" derives from the Latin "Corrilia," which means "land of flow." The toponym "Antelminelli" was added only in 1862, after the Unification of Italy, to distinguish the municipality of Coreglia from that of Coreglia Ligure, and takes its name from the family of the same name.


The history of Coreglia Antelminelli dates back a long time ago. The first documents attesting to the existence of the village date back to 1048, when it was owned by the Rolandinghi. The castle, built at that time, was formed by a fortress and some towers. The walls were erected to defend themselves against external attacks.

Over time, the castle changed hands: first, it belonged to the Bizzarri, then it passed to the Antelminellis. The latter made some changes to the structure of the village, including the construction of the church of San Michele.

In 1272, the Vicariate of Coreglia was born, which coincided with the village and the surrounding territories. Later, under the command of the Guelphs, Ranieri di Monte Garullo conquered the stronghold, which was then besieged by Castruccio Castracani degli Antelminelli. In 1333, King Charles IV of Luxembourg replaced the Count of Coreglia, Sante Antelminelli, with Francesco Castracani.

At the time of the county, Coreglia Antelminelli experienced a period of great splendor. The county was very extensive and also included other villages and territories of Garfagnana. In the fifteenth century, with the arrival of the Este family, the area came under the dominion of Ferrara.


Here is the history of Coreglia Antelminelli! We conclude this virtual trip to Tuscany with the awareness that this village, despite its ancient origins and its somewhat troubled history, has managed to maintain its charm and natural beauty. Thank you for following me on this brief tour, and who knows, maybe we'll see each other soon in Coreglia Antelminelli in person!

Martina Moretti
Updated Sunday, Feb 27, 2022