
Welcome to Cordenons: An Immersion in its Physical and Environmental Geography

Hello friends, today I'll be talking about Cordenons, a commune in Friuli-Venezia Giulia with a population of around 17,819 inhabitants. The territory of Cordenons borders the municipalities of San Quirino, Vivaro, San Giorgio della Richinvelda, Zoppola, and Pordenone. But it's not just its geographic location that makes Cordenons a unique place; in fact, the municipal territory hosts two large but closely linked ecosystems: the Magredi and the Vinchiaruzzo Resurgences.

The Cellina and Meduna rivers bring their waters downstream and disappear into the Magredi area, where the beds of the two rivers appear as a huge expanse of rocks and stones. The water then flows into the aquifer, thanks to the permeability of the area. However, it resurfaces to the south, in the low plain of the Vinchiaruzzo Resurgences, where the area is clayey and impermeable and creates the so-called "olle" or "polle," which are pools of pure water.

In addition to being a unique naturalistic place hosting a great variety of animal and plant species, these ecosystems are also endangered at the national level. For example, the Burhinus oedicnemus, a species of nocturnal bird, risks being "evicted" from the Magredi for the use of the area as a "motocross track," which has become illegal since the area was designated as a Site of Community Importance (S.I.C.).

The History of Cordenons: From the Past to the Origins

Cordenons has a history that dates back to the times of the Paleoveneti, around 1000 BC. Over the centuries, the territory was invaded by barbarian peoples, such as the Lombards in 568 AD. However, the place continued to be inhabited and saw the advent of Roman civilization around the 2nd century BC.

With the construction of the Postumia road, which led, beyond the beds of the Cellina and Meduna rivers, towards Aquileia on one side and Noricum on the other, "checkpoints" were created. From one of these garrisons, Cordenons developed, which was the seat of a detachment on the Naon, now Noncello.

Cordenons: nature, history and a thriving community.

Cordenons Today: The Liveliness of a Community

Cordenons today is a lively community with a historical and cultural heritage dating back to its origins. The historic center of the town still preserves many of the features of the Roman and medieval periods, which make it unique.

In addition, the Cordenons community organizes many cultural events, including the Potato Festival and the Fish Festival, which attract many people from outside the city. The municipality also has an important sports center that serves the needs of all athletes and sports enthusiasts in the area.

Conclusion: Cordenons: Where Nature and History Meet

In conclusion, Cordenons is a unique place where nature and history meet. Its particular geographical location and unique ecosystems make it a perfect place for nature lovers. At the same time, the history surrounding it and the liveliness of the community, through its cultural and sports events, make it an ideal place for history and sports enthusiasts as well. I hope that one day you can visit Cordenons and see for yourself what I've tried to describe here.

Alessandro Romano
Updated Thursday, Feb 17, 2022