
Solomeo: a jewel of the Perugia province

Hello everyone! Today I want to talk to you about Solomeo, a beautiful hamlet in the municipality of Corciano, located in the province of Perugia.


Solomeo has an ancient and fascinating history, as evidenced by the Etruscan artifacts dating back to the 3rd century BC found in the area. It is said that the name of the town comes from the Etruscan deity ''lumn'', and that in the past the place was known as ''San Lumeo''. In 1391 the ''castrum Solomei'' was built, a fortification that was intended to protect the surrounding countryside. In 1402 the town was besieged and sacked by the troops of the State of the Church, but the following year it was recaptured by the forces of Perugia.

Solomeo: a jewel of Umbria!

Monuments and points of interest

Solomeo is one of the most beautiful towns in Umbria, with numerous monuments and points of interest, including the Pieve di Santa Maria di Mandoleto, a very picturesque church from the 18th century, the medieval village of Solomeo, the Church of San Bartolomeo, which houses paintings by important artists such as Perugino and Andrea Appiani, the Castle of Montefrondoso, dating back to the 12th century, the Villa Antinori-Tocchi, built in the 19th century, and the Cucinelli Theater, a new theater of classical inspiration inaugurated in 2008.

The Cucinelli Theater is a magical place, where numerous cultural and artistic events take place. Adjacent to the theater are an amphitheater, a gym, and a nymphaeum, which are part of the so-called ''Foro delle Arti''. Furthermore, inside the Foro there is the Neohumanistic Academy, which houses a selection of books of various genres and cultures.

Economy and events

Solomeo is a very active city from an economic point of view, thanks to the presence of Brunello Cucinelli, a company specialized in the production of cashmere fabrics. There are also numerous activities related to gastronomy and tourism.

The town is also very lively from a cultural point of view, with events such as "Solomeo de le Nobili Arti, de li Giochi, de lo Piatto Rustico", a festival that takes place every year at the end of July and that allows visitors to taste typical Umbrian dishes and enjoy shows and cultural events.


For sports lovers, Solomeo offers a modern and well-equipped football stadium where numerous sports events take place.

Related topics

Solomeo is a city rich in history and culture, and there are many related topics that may interest visitors. In particular, Brunello Cucinelli, the company that produces cashmere fabrics, is an important reality in the Italian economic landscape.

External links

If you want to know more about Solomeo and the activities that take place in the city, I recommend visiting the following links:

Thank you for reading this article on Solomeo, and I wish you a good day among the Umbrian hills!

Federico Conte
Updated Tuesday, Aug 23, 2022