San Mariano

Welcome to San Mariano: a communal fraction with a long history and many attractions

Welcome to San Mariano, a communal fraction of Corciano, located in the province of Perugia. With its 8,134 inhabitants, San Mariano is one of the most populous fractions of the commune. Here you will find the old medieval village, the Girasole neighborhood and the Villaggio dei Tigli. The fraction hosts the elementary and middle schools with the largest number of children out of all the schools in the commune. In the Girasole neighborhood there is the omonymous kindergarten which has 9 sections attended by about 250 children and represents the largest kindergarten of the Corciano educational district. If you are looking for a place with many attractions, San Mariano is definitely the right place for you!

History of San Mariano

The village is located on the top of three hills: that of the castle, the cemetery, and that of the locality called Badia. The surrounding area was initially occupied by the Etruscans and later, in the medieval age, assumed the name of Castel San Mariano. In July 1365, following a battle that took place in the plain of Bagnaia, English troops took refuge within the walls of the castle. In the 80s, at the foot of the castle, the Villaggio dei Tigli, the Girasole neighborhood and its shopping center were developed.

San Mariano: a village characterized by history, art, and events.

Economy and events in San Mariano

The territory of San Mariano is predominantly hilly and cultivated for the most part with olives, arranged at various levels through terracing. If you want to participate in some of the main events of the fraction, you should visit the 'Fiera del Girasole', which takes place on the third Sunday of every month, and the S. Mariano town festival in June, which is called 'Settimana Sanmarianese'. Moreover, in recent years, there has been significant development in the tertiary sector with the opening of large commercial and entertainment centers, mostly located in the surrounding areas.

Monuments and Places of Art

San Mariano is rich of monuments and places of art. The castle dominates the old part of the village, while the Church of San Mariano dedicated to the Assumption of Mary and the Etruscan Necropolis (1st century BC) are two of the main attractions of the area. Furthermore, the Monument to the Fallen created with public subscription in 1920, made of stone and marble with brass and bronze ornaments, represents an important symbol for the local population.

Sports in San Mariano

San Mariano offers many opportunities for sports enthusiasts. You can visit the sports hall to practice ice skating, basketball and other indoor sports. Instead, if you prefer outdoor sports, you can use the football field, the motocross track or the Inline Hockey Field. There is also the sports association ASD San Mariano, affiliated with the FIGC LND Umbria (registration number 951772).

Infrastructure and transport

San Mariano is well connected to Perugia thanks to a regular bus service. You can use the F, I and G5 lines to reach the provincial capital as well as the extra-urban lines.

Federico Conte
Updated Tuesday, Aug 23, 2022