
Friendly Touring Contrada (Geography)

Hello friends, today I want to talk to you about a word that you may have heard during your vacations or in some movies set in Sicily: contrada. In anthropic geography, this term indicates a territorial area of limited extension, often consisting of a set of houses isolated from the main inhabited center.

In practice, these are small villages, often characteristic and fascinating, that make Italy unique in its kind. Generally, the contrade are found in the countryside or more generally away from large cities.

In any case, the contrada is a very common reality, especially in some regions of the South, such as Sicily, Calabria, Puglia and Campania. These places are often found along panoramic roads, on hilltops, or near the sea, and can offer breathtaking views of the surrounding nature.

Contrada (Italy)

But it is not only in southern Italy that you can find the contrade! In the province of Avellino, in Campania, there is a very well-known municipality with this name: Contrada. The town is located at the foot of Mount Terminio and was founded around 1700.

Contrada is a very suggestive and rural place, with many spectacular views and interesting traditions. In particular, there are some patron saint festivals that are held every year, such as the one dedicated to San Rocco, which takes place at the end of August.

Furthermore, Contrada is also famous for its cheese production, in particular caciocavallo and pecorino, which are truly delicious.

Discovering the Italian districts: from the village of Contrada to the figure of Bruno Contrada.

Bruno Contrada

Finally, I want to briefly talk to you about a well-known figure in Italy: Bruno Contrada. He is a former official of SISDE (the Service for Information and Democratic Security), who was involved in various judicial inquiries.

In particular, in 1997 he was accused of having ties with the Sicilian mafia and of having participated in P2, a Masonic lodge that operated in the 1970s. As a result, Contrada was dismissed from SISDE and sentenced to 8 years in prison for mafia association and corruption.

However, in the following years, Contrada was involved in other trials and accusations. In 2013, for example, he was sentenced to 18 years in prison for the bombing in via dei Georgofili, which took place in Florence in 1993.

In any case, the importance of Bruno Contrada in the recent history of Italy is undisputed, and his name has often been associated with the mafia and corruption.


In conclusion, contrade represent an important aspect of Italian geography and culture, which is definitely worth exploring. Each one has its own history and peculiarities, making each visit a unique experience.

Regarding Contrada in the province of Avellino, it is a very suggestive small municipality, immersed in nature, which can be the ideal base to explore the surroundings and enjoy the beauties of Southern Italy.

As for Bruno Contrada, his figure is associated with unflattering episodes in Italian history and reminds us of the importance of fighting organized crime.

I hope to have been helpful with this brief excursion into the contrada! See you soon, friends!

Francesco Serra
Updated Friday, Nov 11, 2022