San Filippo

Life in San Filippo

San Filippo is a small town with a tranquil way of life, where the rhythm of the seasons marks the daily activities of its inhabitants. Agriculture is the main source of livelihood for the community, with the cultivation of cereals, olives, grapes, and fruits. Moreover, the presence of water has allowed the development of small artisanal activities that use the power of mills and fountains.

Events and Festivals

San Filippo is a village that embraces its territory and traditions. Every year, during the summer, the village celebrates the festival in honor of Saints Filippo and Giacomo apostles, with a procession of their statue, the blessing of grain, and the distribution of blessed bread. During the winter, they celebrate the festival of Santa Lucia, with the collection of offerings among the villagers to buy bread and wine to offer to pilgrims in honor of the Saint.

Saint Philip, the green treasure of Sabina.

Nature around San Filippo

San Filippo is immersed in the green hills of Sabina, between the rivers Farfa and Salto, and is surrounded by numerous paths and roads that lead to the neighboring towns. One of the most charming itineraries starts from the town center and winds along the valley of the stream "Le Carrozzelle", up to the "Foce del Ghiandone", a wide basin surrounded by rocky peaks that offers a breathtaking panorama of Sabina and the surrounding hills.

Issues and Challenges

Like many small Italian towns, San Filippo also faces the problem of depopulation and lack of services. Many of the young people in the village are forced to emigrate in search of work and opportunities, leaving behind an increasingly elderly population. Additionally, the town lacks public parking and needs to renovate the church of San Filippo apostle and San Giacomo il Minore extra moenia.


San Filippo is a small gem nestled among the hills of Sabina, a place where the peaceful rhythms of the agricultural way of life blend with the beauty of nature and the history of ancient fortified walls. Despite the difficulties, the community of the town is committed every day to preserving its cultural and natural heritage, keeping alive its traditions, and rediscovering the beauty and strength of living in a small community.

Giulia Rizzo
Wrote by Giulia Rizzo
Updated Monday, Dec 26, 2022