San Patrizio

Discovering San Patrizio, one of a kind

San Patrizio is a hamlet of the municipality of Conselice, located a few kilometers south of the provincial capital. The main feature of this small village is its unique name, inspired by the Irish saint of the same name. In this text, I will take you on a journey to discover the history and places of interest of this charming medieval village.

The History of San Patrizio: Between Pilgrimages and Ancient Pieve Churches

San Patrizio owes its origin to pilgrimages, just like the nearby center of Bertinoro. It is believed that the town was founded by British believers traveling to Rome. Moreover, Irish monks belonging to the Order of St. Columban were present in the Ravenna area and in Romagna. The ancient pieve of San Patrizio, dating back to the 9th century and known as the oldest in the Conselice and Lavezzolese area, may have been dedicated to these monks.

The pieve existed before a votive church, and was accompanied by a bell tower starting from the 10th century. Its existence is documented since 1092, although its exact location remains a mystery to this day. Around the construction, in the 13th century, the town took the name of the church.

St. Patrick: History, Churches, and Medieval Treasures.

Monuments and Places of Interest: From Pieve Churches to Ancient Foundations

San Patrizio offers various attractions for tourists, among which the parish church stands out, the only one dedicated to the Irish saint in all of Romagna. The building was erected when the pieve still existed, and after the latter was abandoned, the church took on its current name. The parish was restored in the years 2009-2011, when rising damp threatened its stability.

But San Patrizio also offers other treasures, starting from the ancient foundations of the Early Middle Ages. These remains have been made visible thanks to some glass plates, and are part of the historical and artistic heritage of the small medieval village.


San Patrizio is a unique place in Italy, both for its name and its history. A small and ancient village that will fascinate those who will visit it. From ancient pieve churches to the foundations of the past, this small town offers a breath of history and culture. All that remains is to immerse oneself in this charming place in the Bassa Romagna, discovering its history and local traditions.

Marco Damico
Wrote by Marco Damico
Updated Wednesday, Dec 28, 2022