
A trip to Condino

If you're looking for a quiet place to relax and enjoy nature, Condino is the perfect destination for you. Located in the valley of the Valle del Chiese, in the province of Trento, Condino is a village in the municipality of Borgo Chiese that until 2015 was an autonomous municipality. Let's discover together the natural and architectural beauties of this locality.

Physical geography

Condino is a typical Trentino Village that is part of Val Rendena, along with Busa di Tione, Banale-Bleggio-Lomaso, and Valle del Chiese. The latter is crossed by the Chiese river, which makes the landscape even more charming.

Discovery of Condino: history, culture and sport


The first mention of Condino dates back to 1221, when there was a dispute between the communities of the village. In 1866, during the Battle of Condino, Garibaldi's soldiers arrived in town. Unfortunately, Condino's history includes sad moments such as emigration, refugees from World War I, and accidents related to World War II.

Monuments and places of interest

Condino offers many opportunities to discover the artistic and religious heritage of the city. Among the places not to be missed are the Church of Santa Maria Assunta, dating back to 1495-1505, the Church of San Lorenzo, with frescoes by Simone II Baschenis, the Church of Saints Sebastian and Rocco, and the Church of San Gregorio Taumaturgo, with the former Capuchin fathers' convent.


Trentino's cuisine is famous for its products made with buckwheat flour and aged cheeses. Among the specialties of Condino, we find the carbonera polenta, a delicious polenta made with yellow flour and buckwheat flour, to which salami, butter and aged cheeses are added.


Condino offers many opportunities for outdoor sports enthusiasts. One of the best ways to admire the splendid surrounding landscape is to paraglide. The Malmarone meadows, located 1440 meters above sea level and with a northeast exposure, are the ideal place to take off. Moreover, thanks to the several meadows at the bottom of the valley, it is possible to land safely in case of south or north winds reinforcements.

SpeedFlying and mountain enthusiasts can also take off from Dosso di Avan, located 2000 meters above sea level. The Cima Rive is very steep but offers the possibility to take off with very small sails, thanks to the gentle and continuous slope. In this case as well, several meadows along the valley allow safe landings.

If you prefer water sports, canyoning is the right activity for you. You can descend along the Rio Re màrciol, equipped with chains and cords. Thanks to a 60-meter rope, it will be possible to exit the canyon safely.


Condino is one of the most beautiful destinations in Trentino, offering great opportunities to discover local history and culture. At the same time, the city is an ideal place for those seeking moments of relaxation and tranquility, but also for those who want to challenge themselves with breathtaking outdoor sports. We can't wait to visit this wonderful place and discover its beauties!

Luca Bianchi
Wrote by Luca Bianchi
Updated Tuesday, Feb 14, 2023