
Compiano: a charming walled village

Compiano, known as "Cumpiàn" in the Parmesan dialect, is a municipality in the province of Parma, located in Emilia-Romagna. With only 1056 inhabitants, the village is completely surrounded by walls and is closely linked to its castle, which was part of the Landi State and the mint headquarters.

The territory of Compiano

The municipal territory of Compiano extends for about 37 km² in the Val di Taro. It is a mountain municipality, with a significant difference in altitude that ranges from 442 m above sea level in the valley to 1480 m above sea level reached in the northern part of the municipality. The capital, located at an altitude of 519 m, stands on a hill near the Taro river.

Compiano: a village surrounded by walls nestled between nature and history.

The climate of Compiano

Compiano enjoys a warm and temperate climate, characterized by relatively hot summers and quite cold winters. The average annual temperature is around 11.5 °C, the warmest month is July with 20.9 °C, the coldest January with 2.3 °C. The average annual rainfall is around 904 mm, with more intense precipitation in spring and autumn. During winter, precipitation often takes on a snowy character.

The origin of the name

The name Compiano seems to derive from the Latin "Cum Planum" which means flat field. There is also a theory that the name refers to the proper name "Campilius-anus".

The history of Compiano

The settlement area was strongly influenced by the presence of the monks of the Bobbio Abbey and the nearby Church of San Paolo. In the first half of the 9th century, the king of Italy and future emperor of the Holy Roman Empire Lotario I confirmed the rights of the Bobbio monks over the territory and the court of Calice, in which the courts of Tornolo and Compiano were included. Around the year 1000, the village was part of the territories of the Malaspina, until they ceded possession of Compiano to the municipality of Piacenza. Subsequently, the village became a fief of the Landi. Due to its strategic position close to the territories of the Genoese Republic, it was often the subject of territorial disputes until it was conquered by Filippo Maria Visconti in the 15th century and donated to Niccolò Piccinino.

In conclusion, Compiano is a charming walled village, with a mild climate and fascinating history. Its privileged geographical position makes it ideal for those who love nature and outdoor life, while history enthusiasts can relive the splendors of the past in a suggestive and fascinating environment. If you are looking for an authentic experience, Compiano is the right place.

Luca Bianchi
Wrote by Luca Bianchi
Updated Saturday, May 28, 2022