
The Story of Gallo and the Napolitano Family

Hello everyone! Today I want to tell you about Gallo, a small hamlet in Comiziano, in the outskirts of the metropolitan city of Naples. Despite being a peaceful place, Gallo has an interesting history: in fact, it is the birthplace of Giorgio Napolitano's paternal family, our 11th President of the Republic!

The Tradition of "Fucarone 'e San Nicol"

But let's get to the reason why I want to talk to you about Gallo today: the so-called "Fucarone 'e San Nicol". It is a tradition very dear to the inhabitants of Gallo, which is held every year on the evening of December 5th. In honor of St. Nicholas, the people of Gallo pile up a huge amount of wood to burn. And when evening comes, they light the fire and celebrate the abundance of autumn and the fertility for the winter to come.

San Nicolò Gallo's Focaccia: Neapolitan traditions and taste.

Typical Neapolitan Food and Songs

Obviously, like every respectable festival, in addition to the fire, there are also culinary delights and traditional music. You can taste typical Neapolitan foods and sing along with the Gallo locals to their songs. It's the perfect opportunity to dive into the culture and traditions of Campania!

The Neighboring Areas of Gallo

For those of you who are not familiar with the area, I must say that Gallo borders other places like Casamarciano, Cimitile, and Schiava (Tufino). If you have time, I recommend taking a look at these areas too, as they offer a lot from the point of view of history, art, and gastronomy.


In short, if you're looking for an authentic and cultural experience in the Naples area, you can't miss the "Fucarone 'e San Nicol" in Gallo. A festival that, in addition to celebrating tradition and religiosity, will make you discover the hidden treasures of Campania. I hope to have been useful and maybe see you there during the festival! See you soon.

Paola Santoro
Wrote by Paola Santoro
Updated Friday, Oct 14, 2022