
Good morning from Sanguigna!

Hello everyone! Today I will talk about Sanguigna, a small village in the municipality of Colorno, located a few kilometers north of Parma. The village is mainly developed on the road that leads to Coltaro, with the presence of the Po River to the north and the Lorno canal to the south.

The history of Sanguigna

The name Sanguigna comes from the presence of the sanguinella, a shrub whose wood was used in the past for the gears of mills. In the territory of Sanguigna, during Roman times, the mouth of the Parma river was located, whose course was diverted to facilitate navigation and to flow into the Po near Copermio. Even today, it is possible to observe the wide arc that the water course makes shortly after Torrile, suddenly heading east.

The current territory of Sanguigna was formed around the 11th century, following the northward shift of the Po River. Initially cultivated by the Benedictine monks of the church of San Giovanni Evangelista in Parma, the territory was then reclaimed and progressively populated. A fortified agricultural court was built, in which the Church of San Salvatore in Colorno was also built, mentioned for the first time in a papal bull of 1114.

The settlement of Sanguigna was born along the road that traced the ancient bends of the Po River, following the same elongated shape of many other centers located along the river banks. The population grew thanks to the practice of emphyteusis adopted by the ancient landowners, in this case the Abbey of San Giovanni Evangelista.

A short distance from Sanguigna, the village of Cella was subsequently built between the XIV and XVI centuries, but the erosion of the river gradually caused it to disappear. Today there are only a few remains of its existence.

Blood: history and life of a small village in Parma

Life in Sanguigna today

Today Sanguigna is a small village that still maintains its ancient elongated structure along the main road. There are some commercial activities, such as a bar and a pizzeria, and the life of the village takes place peacefully.

The presence of the Po River offers the possibility of taking long walks or fishing, but also of reaching the nearby Colorno, famous for its magnificent Ducal Palace and its parks.

In the village there is also the Church of San Salvatore, which represents one of the main points of reference for the community. Periodically, events and religious-themed celebrations are organized, but also moments of celebration for the community.


Here we are at the end of our tour of Sanguigna! I hope I have made you discover something new about this small village in the municipality of Colorno. Despite its millennia-long history, the village still retains the charm of the ancient traditions of the Lower Parma region, and I invite you to visit it if you have the opportunity! Goodbye everyone!

Luca Bianchi
Wrote by Luca Bianchi
Updated Thursday, Mar 31, 2022