
Welcome to Colmurano, the third smallest municipality in the province of Macerata!

If you're looking for a peaceful place surrounded by nature, Colmurano is the place for you. With its 1198 inhabitants, this small town is perfect for a break from the hectic city life. Here, you can admire the remains of the thirteenth and fourteenth century defensive walls, the Annunziata church from the twelfth century, the San Rocco or della Loggetta church, and the Allungo fountain, which preserves its original medieval sources.

History of Colmurano

Colmurano: history, symbols, and hidden treasures in the Marche region.

Colmurano has a long history, dating back to the Middle Ages, during which it became the fief of the Castelli family. It then passed under the dominion of Roberto, always ruled by the Castelli family, who elected its priori and podestà. Later, in the early 1300s, it was annexed to the ecclesiastical territories. In the 1600s, it was hit by numerous famines that ravaged the entire region. In the 1700s, it suffered the harassment of the Austrian army and at the end of the same century was occupied by French troops from Luca.

Symbols of Colmurano

The coat of arms and banner of Colmurano were granted by Presidential Decree dated February 19, 1979. The emblem consists of a shield on three levels, representing the history of the village. The first level is symbolized by three dolphins, the second by a dove with an olive branch, and the third by a gate with two battlement towers. The banner is a golden yellow cloth.

Things to See in Colmurano

The historic center of Colmurano still preserves parts of its thirteenth and fourteenth century defense walls, with bastions, and the polygonal tower to defend the ogival door of San Rocco, pre-dating the 1200s and still almost intact. The Annunziata church dates back to the twelfth century, and is partially rebuilt. Its terracotta facade is decorated with a Romanesque portal adorned with stone, while inside there is a very beautiful nativity scene. The San Rocco or della Loggetta church is a chapel topped by a small octagonal cupola, built between the 1600s and 1700s. It has been renovated several times and houses a Renaissance fresco from 1536 inside, and now serves as the council hall of the municipality. The Allungo fountain, now a public wash-house, preserves its original medieval sources and the fresco of the Madonna with Child. Finally, the parish church of San Donato, the patron saint of the village, houses reliquaries that contain a small cross and a Holy Thorn in their fine engraving.

The Community of Colmurano

The inhabitants of Colmurano are very tied to the traditions of their village, as demonstrated by the numerous popular festivals that take place throughout the year. The most famous is Artistrada, the festival of street artists, which takes place in July and attracts visitors from all over the province of Macerata. Among the illustrious inhabitants of the municipality is Lorenzo Contratti, also known by the pseudonym Renzo C. Ventura, a painter, illustrator, and caricaturist active during the period of the First World War and afterwards, but marked by a mental illness that led him to be confined to the Mombello asylum. He collaborated with some well-known magazines of the time and, for the flexible and provocative female images he used to illustrate Mario Mariani's scandalous novel "Le adolescenti," he was even convicted of indecent exposure.


In summary, Colmurano is a peaceful and welcoming place, perfect for a break from the hectic city life. Its historic center houses numerous monuments and places of interest, while the local community is very tied to the traditions of their village. If you are looking for a place to relax and discover the history and traditions of the Marche region, Colmurano is the place for you!

Valentina Fabbri
Updated Thursday, Aug 4, 2022