Colloredo di Monte Albano

Greetings to Colloredo di Monte Albano

Hello everyone! Today I want to talk to you about Colloredo di Monte Albano, a municipality located in the province of Udine, in Friuli-Venezia Giulia. With its 2181 inhabitants, this small town is rich in history, culture, and natural beauty.


The history of Colloredo di Monte Albano is truly fascinating: from the 11th century, this place was the fiefdom of the Visconti di Mels, who had to contend with many feudal families and the Patriarch of Aquileia. In 1420, the town was conquered by the Republic of Venice.

Unfortunately, the city also suffered the devastation of the Friuli earthquake of 1976, but thanks to the tenacity of its inhabitants and restoration work, today Colloredo di Monte Albano has returned to its splendor.

Colloredo di Monte Albano: history, monuments, and culture.

Monuments and Places of Interest

One of the most interesting places is the Castle of Colloredo, built in 1302 by the descendants of the Visconti di Mels. This imposing building was expanded and renovated in the following centuries, and a part of it also belonged to the Nievo family, in which the writer Ippolito Nievo lived. The castle was heavily damaged by the earthquake but then restored and enriched with the bells donated by the municipality of Mels.

There are also other places worth a visit, such as the Castle of Caporiacco, the Church of San Zenone in Entesano, and the Church of Saints Andrea and Mattia.

Languages and dialects

In Colloredo di Monte Albano, both official languages, Italian and Friulian, can be heard. This dialect is particularly important in Friuli-Venezia Giulia and its inhabitants use it every day.


Colloredo di Monte Albano is also the birthplace of a famous publishing house: Del Bianco Editore. This company publishes many books on different topics and represents a reference point for culture in the region.


An important economic activity of the municipality is the processing of leather and hides, which has an ancient tradition in this area.


The city is governed by the mayor and the city council, thanks to whom important decisions are made for the well-being of the community.


Colloredo di Monte Albano is a wonderful place that preserves its authentic Friulian atmosphere. I hope that after this brief story, you will want to visit this beautiful city. You won't regret it!

Andrea Giordano
Updated Tuesday, Aug 30, 2022