
Welcome to Colliano: the city of Roman origins

Are you ready for a virtual tour of the beautiful town of Colliano? Located in the province of Salerno, in Campania, Colliano is a municipality of over 3000 inhabitants known for its ancient history and natural beauty. In this text, we will describe the main tourist attractions and the history of the town.

Physical geography

Located in the high valley of the Sele of the Lucanian Apennines, Colliano is located at an altitude of around 700 meters and covers an area of ​​26 sq km. The landscape is characterized by hills and mountains, with lush vegetation of beech and chestnut forests.

Colliano: history, natural beauty and tourist attractions.


The climate in Colliano is varied, with cold winters and hot summers. In particular, during the months of January and February, there may be snowfall. However, thanks to its elevated position, the town also has good ventilation, which makes summers pleasant despite the high temperatures.


The history of Colliano dates back to over two thousand years ago, when there was human presence in the area. Some funeral monuments, tombs, cinerary urns, and parts of cult buildings have been found from this period.

The origin of the name

The name Colliano originates from the Roman gens Collia. The population of these places, in fact, underwent Roman domination and later that of the Goths and the Lombards.

The fortified village

During the Lombard domination, the inhabitants of Colliano defended themselves from the Saracens by hiding on the hill, giving rise to the current conformation of the agglomerates of Colliano and Collianello, and building a fortified village. This overhanging fortress was surrounded by walls, gates, and bastions to defend the entire territory. Today, only the "porta dei Santi" located in the southern part, below the hill, remains of this defensive system, which over the years has undergone several changes until it disappeared. The inhabitants, over time, changed the name to "porta Fontana" because from there, they went to the public fountain, which was located outside the walls, precisely in the current Piazza Ernesto Epifani.

The possessors of Colliano

Colliano belonged to various influential personalities and families over the centuries. In 1220, for example, it belonged to Galino (Norman knight), while in 1230 to Agnese and her daughter Giovanna. In 1268, it was a fiefdom of a certain Ugone and at his death, it was incorporated among the assets of King Carlo. In 1426 it becomes a possession of Luigi Gesualdo and in 1448, a fief of Antonio Sanseverino, but after ten years, it returned to being of the Gesualdo family.

Tourist attractions

In addition to its ancient history, Colliano offers numerous tourist attractions, including:

The Church of San Giovanni Battista

The Church of San Giovanni Battista, located in the old city, is a religious building built in the Baroque style. Inside, there are frescoes and statues of remarkable artistic value.

The acropolis of Monte Stella

The acropolis of Monte Stella constitutes one of the most important archaeological sites of Colliano. Here are the remains of an ancient settlement dating back to the 6th-4th centuries BCE. Visitors can admire the walls and gates of the acropolis, as well as the Doric Temple, which was dedicated to Hera.

The Acquabella Bridge

The Acquabella Bridge, dating back to the medieval period, is one of the most representative examples of civil architecture in Colliano. It is located a short distance from the acropolis of Monte Stella and offers a panoramic view of the surrounding landscape.

The Civic Archaeological Museum

The Civic Archaeological Museum, located inside Palazzo De Martino, houses a vast collection of historical and archaeological artifacts that tell the millennial history of Colliano. Among the most significant works, visitors can admire the statues and frescoes from the Church of San Giovanni Battista.


In summary, Colliano is a fascinating city that offers many opportunities for tourists and travelers to visit. Its ancient history, tourist attractions, and natural beauty of the landscape make it an unmissable destination for a holiday in Campania. Come and discover it in person!

Camilla Ricci
Wrote by Camilla Ricci
Updated Thursday, Jun 2, 2022