Colli a Volturno

Welcome to Colli a Volturno!

If you are looking for a small, unspoiled paradise in the heart of Italy, Colli a Volturno is the destination for you. This Molise municipality, with its 1277 inhabitants, will welcome you with its unspoiled nature and relaxing atmosphere.

Colli a Volturno: an unspoiled paradise in the heart of Italy.

Discover the Territory

The Town and Its Surroundings

Colli a Volturno is located on three wooded hills, at an altitude of about 400 meters above sea level. The center of the village is surrounded by large fields cultivated with olive trees, vineyards, and fruit trees. The municipal territory borders on the municipalities of Fornelli, Rocchetta a Volturno, Montaquila, Scapoli, Cerro al Volturno, Macchia d'Isernia, Filignano, and Monteroduni.

Nearby, there are also hamlets such as Santa Giusta, Casali, and Valloni. The latter is the most populous hamlet, with about 130 inhabitants.

The Surrounding Mountains

The hills of Colli a Volturno are interspersed with large flat areas. Among the most important mountains in the Collese territory are Monte San Paolo and Monte La Falconara. Monte San Paolo is a refuge for wild animals and offers a view of a six-kilometer-long Samnite wall. Monte La Falconara is entirely wooded, and at the base, there is a vast pine forest with a water source. Here is also the hamlet Castiglioni, from which you can reach the plateau called "Serra del Lago."

On Monte Cervaro, there are mobile phone repeaters and national and regional television broadcasters. Furthermore, the territory surrounding the Volturno river is predominantly cultivated with vegetables.

The Climate

The climate of Colli a Volturno is mild. The average annual temperature is 18.2 °C, with an average rainfall of 862 mm. Summer is hot and temperate, while winter is cold but not particularly harsh. Winters are often characterized by sporadic snowfall, but exceptionally copious were those of the Nevicata del 1956, Nevicata del 1985, and Nevicata del 2012.

What to Do in Colli a Volturno

If you love nature and outdoor sports, Colli a Volturno is the ideal destination. Here, you can enjoy long walks in the mountains, on foot or by mountain bike. Furthermore, the territory offers interesting trekking and climbing routes.

In winter, the area attracts skiing enthusiasts thanks to the nearby ski resorts of Campitello Matese and Roccaraso.

If you are lovers of history and culture, Colli a Volturno will amaze you with its ancient villages and historical monuments, such as the church of San Nicola di Bari and the chapel of Madonna delle Grazie.

Don't miss the numerous village festivals and events held throughout the year. Among the most famous are the festival of San Paolo, the festival of Santa Giusta, and the craft beer festival.


In conclusion, Colli a Volturno is a hidden jewel of Molise, a place where nature, culture, and tradition blend in perfect harmony. If you are looking for an authentic and uncommon destination, do not hesitate to visit this splendid Italian municipality!

Antonio Bruno
Wrote by Antonio Bruno
Updated Friday, Sep 9, 2022