
Welcome to Collevecchio!

Hello everyone! Today I want to talk to you about Collevecchio, a small town with a rich history. Located in the province of Rieti, in Lazio, Collevecchio has 1520 inhabitants and is situated between the Umbria region and the metropolitan area of Rome.

Exploring the territory

If you love nature, Collevecchio is the perfect place for you. The territory is located on the river terraces of the Tiber Valley and boasts many natural beauties. You can admire the Tiber river, the threshing floor and the Campana stream, just to name a few. If you want to see some springs, there are several options: the Madonna del piano spring, the Collevecchio communal spring and the Cicignano communal spring. Are you a fan of birdwatching? Don't miss the marshy area of Poggio Sommavilla and the confluence between the Aia stream and the Treja river into the Tiber.

Collevecchio: Nature, History, and Scenic Beauty in Lazio.


The climate of Collevecchio is classified as zone D, 1899 GR/G. This means that summers are hot and dry, while winters are mild and rainy. In short, a pleasant climate to enjoy all year round.

A dive into the past

If you are passionate about history, Collevecchio won't disappoint you. The first traces of human settlements date back to the Paleolithic period, while during the Iron Age huts were built for cultivation. The area of Poggio Sommavilla became an important archaic settlement and was a point of exchange between nearby populations. During the Roman era, the city consolidated its position and a new social and urban organization of the territory developed. In the upper Aia Valley, we can still find the remains of Roman villas.


In short, Collevecchio is a real gem of Lazio. Nature lovers, historians or anyone who loves scenic beauty will find something interesting in this town of 1520 inhabitants. I hope I have piqued your interest and I greet you from beautiful Collevecchio!

Giulia Rizzo
Wrote by Giulia Rizzo
Updated Monday, Oct 3, 2022