
Colognole - A Journey Through History and Nature

Colognole is a hamlet located in the province of Livorno, in Tuscany. This small town, named after the Roman coloniolo, is nestled in the enchanting landscape of the Livornese Hills and is located near Monte Maggiore.

History of Colognole

The history of Colognole dates back to the Middle Ages, as evidenced by numerous notarial documents. In 1004, it was mentioned for the first time in a deed of sale of its assets. Over the centuries, ownership of the castle passed from one family to another, including the Lambardi, Gualandi, and Lante families. In 1406, Colognole came under Florentine control and was assigned to the podesteria of Rosignano Marittimo. In 1606, Grand Duke Ferdinando I de' Medici separated it from Lari and assigned it to the Governorate of Livorno. In 1808, Colognole became a hamlet of Collesalvetti.

Colognole: History and Nature in the Hills of Livorno

Places to Visit in Colognole

Colognole offers many tourist attractions that will allow you to discover its natural beauty and its history. The Lorenese Aqueduct, also known as the Aqueduct of Colognole, is one of the most important monuments in the town. Built in the 19th century, this aqueduct provided drinking water to the city of Livorno for almost a century. Today, the aqueduct is an architectural wonder that extends for eighteen kilometers and crosses breathtaking landscapes.

The Church of Saints Peter and Paul is another must-see attraction in Colognole. This church, dating back to 1688, is a Latin cross with three altars and is located in the center of the town. The ancient church is instead located outside the village and is used as an oratory of the cemetery. Finally, at "Casale di Loti," there is the public chapel of Saints Philip and Francis built by the Gabbrielli family in 1730.

Nature in Colognole

Colognole is immersed in a breathtaking landscape, surrounded by the green hills of Tuscany. Here, you can stroll through fields of wheat and vines, breathe fresh air, and enjoy unique views of the Tuscan countryside. You can also go hiking and mountain biking in the nearby valleys or relax in the midst of nature.

How to Reach Colognole

If you want to visit Colognole, I recommend booking a rental car from Livorno or Pisa. From these two centers, you can reach Colognole in about twenty minutes by car. Alternatively, you can take the train to Collesalvetti and then the bus to Colognole.


Colognole is a hidden gem of Tuscany, renowned for its natural beauty and its history. Here you will find ancient monuments, breathtaking landscapes, and an atmosphere of peace and tranquility that will enchant you. If you love nature and history, Colognole is the right place for you.

Giulia Rizzo
Wrote by Giulia Rizzo
Updated Saturday, Feb 18, 2023