
Welcome to Collepasso

Hello everyone! Today we'll talk about Collepasso, a charming town located in the heart of Salento, in the province of Lecce, in Puglia. With its 5667 inhabitants, Collepasso is a small gem nestled between the Salentine hills and the homonymous local action group. There are many interesting things to discover about this location, so sit back and get ready to immerse yourself in the beauty of its physical geography, climate, and name.

Physical geography

The territory of Collepasso develops on the slopes of the Serra di Sant'Eleuterio, at the foot of Maacche, a mountain range that constitutes one of the highest points in the province of Lecce. The territory ranges between 102 and 180 m above sea level, with an altitude difference of 78 meters. The countryside of Collepasso is home to the Asso River, a short watercourse that flows north of the town and then flows into a karst swallow hole. The river flows on sandy-silty sediments and its grooves incised in the soil form river cliffs up to 6-7 meters high. The municipal territory of Collepasso borders the municipalities of Neviano, Cutrofiano, Supersano, Casarano, Matino, and Parabita.

Collepasso: Territory, Climate, and Origins of the Name in Puglia.


The climate of Collepasso falls within the Mediterranean type and offers mild winters and hot and humid summers. The average temperature in January, the coldest month, is around +9°C, while in August, the hottest month, it reaches +25.1°C. The average annual precipitation is around 676 mm, with a minimum in spring-summer and a peak in autumn-winter. The municipalities of the lower Salento weakly receive western currents thanks to the protection of the Salentine hills, but the autumn and winter currents from the southeast increase the precipitation in this period compared to the rest of the peninsula.

Origins of the name

The name "Collepasso" first appears in a Greek document from the 12th century as "Koulopatze". In other ancient writings, the name appears in the vulgarized Latin form of "Colopati" and "Colopaci". The meaning of the name has not yet been clarified, but the etymology could derive from the Greek words "koulo" (to roll) and "patso" (ground), to indicate a place where the terrain rolls.

In conclusion, Collepasso is a small city with a lot to offer, with a wonderful territory, an ideal climate for those who want to enjoy the sun, and an intriguing history. If you are looking for a quiet place with an incredible scenery, Collepasso is the right choice!

Giovanni Rinaldi
Updated Wednesday, Sep 14, 2022