
Welcome to Collepardo: a brief tour of the Municipality

Hello everyone! Today, I'd like to talk to you about Collepardo, a charming municipality in the heart of Lazio with a population of about 900 people. The village is located 739 meters above sea level and is situated on a relief of the Ernici Mountains, in an area characterized by many karstic activities and natural beauty.

The physical geography of the territory

The municipal territory hosts several tourist attractions, such as the deep Gorges of the Cosa River, the Bambocci Caves, and the Antullo Pit. Moreover, the Rotonaria Mountain (with a maximum height of 1,750 meters) offers a splendid panorama of the Ernici Mountains chain and the Cosa River valley.

Collepardo: discover the municipality in the heart of the Ernici Mountains.

The climate

Collepardo has a climate classified as zone E, with 2266 degree days. Summer months are hot but never torrid, while winter can be cold but never extremely rigid.

The origins of the municipality's name

Collepardo owes its name to the presence, in the surrounding territory, of felis silvestris or lynx lynx, animals known as leopards. The theory is supported by the municipal coat of arms that depicts a Felidae quenching its thirst in a stream. However, there are other hypotheses on the origins of the name, including one linked to the hypothetical name of the first commander of an ancient colony of Goths settled in the area and another that suggests that the name derives from the Latin "Collis arduis" (steep hill).

The history of Collepardo

Collepardo's territory has been chosen since ancient times for its natural morphology, thanks to the presence of the important Cosa (or Acquosa) River that flows in the area. The communication route built by the Ernici to cross the Apennines, which connected their cities scattered between Lazio and Abruzzo, also passed through this territory.

The Cosa has always played a fundamental role in the history of the place, so much so that remains of human settlements from the protohistoric and Volscian epochs have been found along its banks. The river has provided water supply for the local population for centuries, as well as hosting some mills for grain milling.

The hydrographic basin of the Cosa flowed into the Sacco River, connecting the various Ernici centers. Furthermore, the river's springs were close to the Apennine passes to Abruzzo, making Collepardo's territory an important passage area for commercial traffic.


In conclusion, Collepardo is a little hidden gem among the Ernici Mountains, with a rich history and natural beauties to explore. If you love nature and are looking for a peaceful place to relax, this municipality might be the perfect destination for you!

Andrea Giordano
Updated Saturday, Jun 4, 2022