
Colleferro: a city in the Sacco Valley

Hi! Today I'll tell you about Colleferro, a municipality of about 20,822 inhabitants located in the metropolitan city of Rome Capital, in Lazio. The city is located in the Sacco Valley and is crossed by the river of the same name.

Physical geography

Colleferro: the town in the Sacco Valley.


The territory of Colleferro is characterized by the presence of the Sacco river and the hills that surround it.


The climate in Colleferro, like many cities in the area, is classified as zone D, 1571 GR/G.

Origin of the name

The name Colleferro may make you think of iron, but it actually comes from Colle Verro, which means "hill of the wild pig". The name is linked to the area of Verrugine or Verrugo, where wars between Equi, Volsci, Romans, Latins, and Hernici once took place.


Artefacts dating back to the Bronze Age and the Iron Age have been found in the Colleferro area. From the Roman civil war that took place here in 82 BC and from which Lucius Cornelius Sulla emerged victorious, to the founding of the Bombrini Parodi Delfino explosive factory in 1912, Colleferro has had a very interesting history.

Roman Age

In 82 BC, the Roman civil war saw Lucius Cornelius Sulla emerge victorious over Gaius Marius the Younger. This event took place in the Colleferro area and resulted in the suicide of Marius.

The 20th century

In 1912, engineer Leopoldo Parodi Delfino and Senator Giovanni Bombrini founded the Bombrini Parodi Delfino explosive factory. With the birth of the factory, a new residential area was also created, called "Villaggio BPD".


I hope you enjoyed this brief journey through the history of Colleferro. The city has a very interesting history and is certainly worth visiting to discover even more.

Martina Moretti
Updated Saturday, Sep 17, 2022