
Welcome to Colledimezzo: a journey through the town's history

We welcome you to the beautiful town of Colledimezzo, located in the province of Chieti, in Abruzzo. The town's name derives from the ancient castle of the feudal lord, which was located on the Castellano hill, between the hills of Monte Butino and Monte Rinello. With approximately 431 inhabitants, the town is famous for its breathtaking views and rich history.

Discovering the history of Colledimezzo

The town was founded around the 10th century, although Roman artifacts have been found in the nearby locality of Fiumali. According to popular tradition, the town was situated on the nearby Colle Butino, but historical studies have shown that it was another town destroyed by the earthquake of 1456. Nevertheless, Colledimezzo grew in population thanks to the survivors of Colle Butino.

During the Norman period, the town became a fiefdom of Rainaldo di Aniba. In the 13th-15th century, it passed from one lord to another, until it became the property of the D'Avalos family in 1462. Colledimezzo remained under the control of the family until the abolition of feudalism in 1806.

Colledimezzo: History and Beauty of Abruzzo.

Symbols of the town

The coat of arms of the town of Colledimezzo was granted by decree of the President of the Republic on June 22, 2005. The town's banner is a yellow flag with a blue border.

Places of interest in Colledimezzo

Religious architecture

The church of San Giovanni Evangelista and San Giovanni Apostolo is the main church of the town. Built in a single nave, the church underwent expansions between 1735 and 1768 and then in the last few decades. The frescoes and paintings inside the church were made by the eighteenth-century Teatine painter Donato Teodoro. The wooden pulpit is located on the left side of the nave, while the wooden choir behind the altar is composed of 11 stalls, one for each member of the congregation of the Holy Sacrament, a lay confraternity founded in the seventeenth century.

Other points of interest

The town offers many opportunities to enjoy the natural beauty of Abruzzo. You can visit the Sangro River Park, where there are numerous bike paths and hiking trails. The town is also famous for its cheese production, including ricotta and scamorza, which are a delightful experience for the palate. Finally, do not miss the opportunity to enjoy a romantic sunset on the top of the Castellano hill, which offers an unforgettable spectacle.


Colledimezzo represents one of the hidden treasures of Abruzzo. With its charming history and natural beauty, it is the ideal place for those seeking a break from the hectic pace of everyday life. We invite you to visit this wonderful town, where you can breathe the clean mountain air, discovering the warmth and hospitality of its people.

Elisa Lombardi
Updated Sunday, Oct 16, 2022