
Greetings and introduction

Hello to all my dear readers, today I will talk about a small village in the province of Parma: Lemignano.

Physical geography

Lemignano's location is just perfect! This village is mainly flat and borders the municipality of Parma, only 4.23 km away from the capital city. Its exposure is very advantageous, as well as its elevation of 88 m above sea level.

Let's discover Lemignano: history, monuments and economy.

Origins of the name

But let's talk about the name, which is quite intriguing. In medieval times, this locality was known as ''Viliniano'', a name that, according to the source I consulted, derives from Latin, probably agrarian. The name is thought to have origins among ''Vibius'', ''Vilinius'', ''Vinibius'', ''Volinius'' or ''Numidius''.


The traces of human presence date back to the Paleolithic era, as demonstrated by the findings of Aurignacian lithic artifacts dating back to around 3782 years ago. Excavations carried out in 1993 near the Church of San Vitale (Collecchio) revealed two tombs dating back to the Late Antiquity or Early Middle Ages.

The oldest evidence of the existence of the court of ''Viliniano'' dates back to 991 when it was mentioned in a sale deed among the properties alienated by Maginfredo Marchese and Prangarda to the deacon of the Cathedral of Fidenza. Four years later, the entire court, with its dwellings, the chapel and the surrounding lands, was donated by the bishop of Parma Sigefredo II to the Cathedral Chapter of Parma.

More recently, during Napoleon's period, the locality became a village of the new municipality of San Martino Sinzano, which was then dissolved in 1866 by Royal Decree; Lemignano, together with the former capital, was then annexed to the municipality of Collecchio.

Monuments and places of interest

The Church of San Vitale, which I mentioned earlier, is certainly one of the places worth visiting in Lemignano. This chapel was rebuilt in neoclassical architectural forms between 1837 and 1838 after being demolished. The church was internally decorated with Doric order pilasters, friezes and frescoes on the barrel vaults of the nave, the four chapels and the apsidal presbytery.


Even from an economic point of view, Lemignano is quite interesting. In fact, it is crossed from northeast to southwest by the State Road 62 della Cisa and surrounded by cultivated fields, but above all, it hosts an important artisan district, the largest in the entire municipal territory of Collecchio.


Here we are at the end of my presentation of the small Lemignano. I want to emphasize that I have explained these topics rapidly when it comes to history and monuments, but I assure you that it is worth delving into these aspects to enrich your knowledge of this village that is absolutely worth visiting.

Luca Bianchi
Wrote by Luca Bianchi
Updated Wednesday, Apr 27, 2022