
Collebeato: a city between mountains and plains

Collebeato is an Italian municipality located in the province of Brescia, in Lombardy. The city is surrounded by the mountains of Picastello, Campiani, Peso, Dosso Boscone, and Sasso, in the eastern part of Franciacorta, where the low Val Trompia meets the Po Valley. The Mella, a river that crosses the territory, gives the city a characteristic landscape.

History of Collebeato: between ancient roots and noble dwellings

The territory of Collebeato, sparsely inhabited in Roman times, was located in the basin of the mountains. Only four imperial sepulchral cippi and the remains of the ancient Roman road from Brixia through the Ponte Crotte to Valle Trompia on the hills have been found. In 958, a church dedicated to San Paolo appears as property of the Abbey of Leno, which was probably the first reference to the community of Collebeato.

The name Cubiadum (Cubiado) is the first to appear in the imperial diploma of Henry II in 1014 as property of the Abbey of Leno. The etymology of the name derives from the Latin "copulatum" and means "coupled". The Benedictine monks of Leno reclaimed the marshes of the Mella, creating a communal vicinia in the lands from which the bishop of Brescia drew the tithes.

The city played an important role in the defense of the city of Brescia during the military siege of the French troops in 1512. In the fifteenth century, Collebeato became a place of summer residence for nobles and religious people of the city of Brescia, and important villas and two monasteries (Santa Croce and Santo Stefano) were built.

Collebeato: history, nature, and hospitality among mountains and plains.

Collebeato today: a welcoming and lively place

Today, Collebeato is a welcoming and lively city with a population of 4482 inhabitants. The city has many places of tourist interest, such as ancient noble residences, historic churches, farms, countryside, and parks.

One of the most historically interesting places is the Church of San Giacomo al Mella, on the road from Brescia to Milan. This church was the hospital complex directed by Father Giovanni da Cobiado in 1274.


Collebeato is a city with ancient history and unique charm, located in the province of Brescia, in Lombardy. The city has many tourist attractions, including ancient noble residences, historic churches, farms, countryside, and parks. The city witnessed important moments in Italian history, such as the military siege of 1512. Today, Collebeato is a welcoming and lively city, where it is possible to spend a pleasant and unforgettable stay.

Chiara Russo
Wrote by Chiara Russo
Updated Friday, Jul 22, 2022