Colle di Tora

Colle di Tora: a charming small town in Lazio

Welcome to Colle di Tora, a small town located in the heart of Lazio, just a few kilometers away from the city of Rieti. With a population of only 364 inhabitants, Colle di Tora is a peaceful and fascinating place where nature and history blend together to create a unique atmosphere that captivates visitors of all ages.

Discovering the physical geography of Colle di Tora

The town is located on the shores of Lake Turano, in the southern part of the province of Rieti. The surrounding landscape is dominated by mountains and the lake, which offers a breathtaking view of the surrounding hills. The climate is Mediterranean, with hot summers and mild winters, thanks to its privileged geographical position.

Colle di Tora: Discovering the Enchanting Municipality in Lazio

A brief history of Colle di Tora

The municipality of Colle di Tora has very ancient roots, probably dating back to the Roman era. Over the centuries, the town has been the scene of numerous historical events, including the construction of the dam that created Lake Turano in the 1930s. Today, Colle di Tora is a highly appreciated destination for tourists who love the tranquility and beauty of ancient Italian villages.

A glimpse into the society of Colle di Tora

The municipality has only 364 inhabitants, which makes it a peaceful and hospitable place where it is easy to get acquainted with the locals. Among the resident population, there are also 26 foreigners from different parts of the world, who contribute to make the town an increasingly cosmopolitan and open place.

The municipal administration of Colle di Tora

The mayor of Colle di Tora is Otello Loreti, belonging to the civic list "Consenso Civico". The town is part of the Turano Mountain Community, an association that brings together several municipalities in the area to promote local culture and traditions.

Colle di Tora in cinema and television

The town has been chosen as a location for several film and television productions. Among the most famous, we remember "Il Santo Patrono" by Bitto Albertini, with Lucio Dalla as the lead actor, and "Questione di Cuore" by Francesca Archibugi, with Kim Rossi Stuart, Micaela Ramazzotti, Paolo Villaggio and Antonio Albanese. In addition, some scenes of the Rai TV series "Non lasciamoci più" were shot in the town.

This is just a brief overview of Colle di Tora, a municipality worth visiting to discover the true beauty of authentic Italy, far from the big cities and crowded places. If you are looking for a peaceful place, immersed in nature and history, Colle di Tora is the ideal destination for you. Come and visit us!

Giulia Rizzo
Wrote by Giulia Rizzo
Updated Wednesday, Dec 14, 2022