Colle Brianza

Discovering Colle Brianza: an enchanting town between Lecco and Milan

If you are looking for a peaceful and charming place that is away from the chaos of the city but not too far from the major Lombard cities, Colle Brianza might be the right place for you. This small town with only 1745 inhabitants is located halfway between Lecco and Milan, in the highest part of Brianza, at the foot of Monte di San Genesio. In this article, we will guide you to the discovery of Colle Brianza, starting from its physical geography and history, and then through its main monuments and places of interest.

Physical geography: the town of Colle Brianza

Colle Brianza is located in high Brianza, on an area that extends from the Alpine mountains in the north to the Po river in the south. The town is situated on the ridge that divides the Po Valley from Lake Como and stretches up to the mountains that define the Swiss borders. The highest point of the town is Monte di San Genesio, 832 meters above sea level, which also represents an excellent destination for hiking and enjoying the natural beauties of the area.

Colle Brianza: between history, nature and artistic beauty.

History of Colle Brianza

The territory that constitutes the town of Colle Brianza has a long history that dates back to the Middle Ages when it was part of the Contado della Martesana and the Pieve di Missaglia. In 1648, the fiefdom passed to the Sormani, who were already responsible for the fiefdom of Missaglia. A symbol of Colle Brianza's history is the Campanone di Brianza, a square tower that houses a large bell used in the past for alarm in case of foreign army attacks.

Symbols of Colle Brianza

The town's coat of arms of Colle Brianza is made up of an intercrossing that collects the symbols of the three towns that have merged to form the current town: Nava, Ravellino, and Cagliano. In particular, for Nava, an ancient castle where traces of Giotto's paintings were discovered is evoked. For Ravellino, there is the comet, a symbol of clarity and fame, in reference to the famous historian Giuseppe Ripamonti, who was born in this town. Finally, for Cagliano, there is a fountain that recalls the source of sulfur water called Pirenta. The banner is an intercrossing cloth of red, white, and blue.

Monuments and places of interest

Among the main monuments of Colle Brianza are:

Society and sports

The town of Colle Brianza has just over 1700 inhabitants. In recent years, there has been an increase in population and greater attention to the tourist development of the territory, which makes the natural beauties of the area one of its major strengths. On the sports front, Colle Brianza can count on some local initiatives, such as the already established Giro delle Ortensie, a cycling competition that sees participants ride along the streets of the town and surrounding areas.

In conclusion, Colle Brianza is a small Lombard town that can offer a lot to those who want to relax among the natural beauties of Brianza, without giving up the convenience of being able to easily reach Milan and Lecco. If you are looking for a peaceful place that combines history and nature, you just have to discover Colle Brianza.

Chiara Russo
Wrote by Chiara Russo
Updated Tuesday, May 24, 2022