
Gaglietole: a charming Umbrian village to discover

If you are a lover of history, art and tranquility, you cannot miss a visit to Gaglietole, a small hamlet in the municipality of Collazzone, located in the province of Perugia, in Umbria. This enchanting village, with only 66 inhabitants, is ideal for a pleasant visit off the most touristy routes, but rich in charm and surprises.

The history of Gaglietole

According to legend, the name of the village derives from an ancient settlement of Senoni Gauls who infiltrated the Umbrian territory to better control the expansion of the Etruscans. In 1299, the small castle was inhabited by 52 families. Today, various testimonies of Gaglietole's antiquity are still present and represent an ideal destination for history and art enthusiasts.

Gaglietole, exploring the medieval charm of Umbria.

Monuments and art places of Gaglietole

Gaglietole boasts several testimonies of art and architecture, such as the Church of San Cristoforo, located inside the medieval castle. This church contains a painting by Polinori titled "Last Supper and the Saints Cristoforo and Sebastiano" from 1629 and two paintings from the 17th century by Francesco Providoni.

Among the other monuments not to be missed, the Molino del Torrone, an ancient medieval mill with a tower dating back to the 12th century, located near the course of the Puglia stream. The Church of Madonna delle Grazie, near the main church of the village, has recently been renovated and is worth a visit. The medieval arch, which represented the entrance to the village, houses a stone sculpture depicting the symbol of Gaglietole. Finally, along the road to Puglia, you can admire the Church of Madonna del Puglia, with its attached village cemetery.

Economy and events

Although Gaglietole has only 66 inhabitants, it is mainly based on agriculture and livestock farming. The main festival of the village is that of San Cristoforo, the local patron saint, which is celebrated with a blessing of motor vehicles in July. In addition, the village festival called "Gaglietolezze" represents a medieval reenactment in the village's alleys, with local typical cuisine and Christmas markets that take place between December 2nd and 4th every year.

Sports in Gaglietole

Although Gaglietole is a small village, it still offers the opportunity to practice sports. In fact, the hamlet has a 6-a-side football field where anyone can have fun.

External links

If you want to learn more about Gaglietole and its history, we recommend visiting the website of the Municipality of Collazzone. In addition, Umbria is a region full of beauties to discover, so don't hesitate to organize an itinerary to discover its wonders.

Federico Conte
Updated Saturday, Sep 24, 2022