
Collepepe: a small Umbrian medieval village

Hello everyone, today I'll talk about Collepepe, a hamlet of the town of Collazzone in the province of Perugia. The small medieval village has a population of 1056 inhabitants and is located on the European road E45, but is also reachable from Foligno or Spoleto via the road to Puglia. I want to show you the beauties of this area, talking about its history, economy, monuments, and much more.


The village has always had an important strategic role, given its privileged position as a control of the communication route between the Perugian-Marscianese territory and the Spoletina valley. Collepepe was the subject of dispute between Todi, Perugia, and Spoleto. In 1290 it was already quite developed with 250 inhabitants.

Medieval village of Collepepe: history, monuments, and sports in Umbria.

Economy and events

Collepepe is the main productive and industrial area of the municipality of Collazzone, thanks to its proximity to the main communication routes. Here we find the presence of several companies producing aluminum fixtures and the graphic industry. In July, the "Sagra della Nutella" was held from 2002 to 2013.

Monuments and art places

The medieval village of Collepepe boasts several attractions of which I will briefly talk about. The Tower of the village dates back to the fourteenth century and is located at the entrance of the castle. The parish church of Santa Maria Assunta counts two paintings, one "Madonna del Carmine" from the eighteenth century and one with the "Saints Emanuele and Vito". The Church of Madonna del Buon Consiglio, erected just outside the castle, boasts a late fifteenth-century transported fresco, the "Madonna di San Martino". The Carceri is a rubble in "locum caementicium" which testifies to the presence of the late imperial Roman era. The other attraction in the area is the Abbazia di San Pancrazio, now become a luxury hotel after the renovation.


The village boasts several sports facilities, such as the Comunale Stadium of Collepepe in Via Colle S. Stefano which hosts football, volleyball, karate, and gymnastics matches and a Municipal Gym for volleyball, karate, five-a-side football, and gymnastics. Among the present sports associations, we find the Tiber Collepepe, which is dedicated to football, and the Polisportiva Collepepe.

Other projects

Collepepe has several projects, such as the tourist valorization of the medieval village and the surrounding natural beauties. There is also a study on the most practiced sports activities in the area.

External links

For further information on Collepepe, I recommend visiting the following links:

This was my brief description of the medieval village of Collepepe. I hope it made you want to visit this area of beautiful Umbria. Good luck and happy holidays!

Federico Conte
Updated Saturday, Sep 24, 2022