
Discovering Còlere: History, Territory, and Community

Còlere is a beautiful municipality located in the province of Bergamo, Lombardy, with a population of 1,113 inhabitants. It consists of the main town and ten hamlets and is situated on the orographic right of the Dezzo stream in the Scalve Valley. Còlere ranges between 751 meters above sea level in the Dezzo hamlet and 2,521 meters above sea level at the top of the Presolana peak. It is part of the Scalve Mountain Community and is approximately 59 kilometers northeast of Bergamo.

Antiquity and Origins

The origins of the municipality date back to before the Roman domination, when the mining resources emerged from the ground located at an altitude of around 2000 meters were used to transform them into copper, blende, and zinc of the area. It is believed that during this period, the first settlements in the area were formed.

Discover Còlere: History, Territory and Community in Lombardy.

The Middle Ages

Later on, the village came under the control of the Holy Roman Empire led by Charlemagne, who gave the entire area to the monks of Tours. They later exchanged it for the benefit of the Diocese of Bergamo, which granted feudal investiture to the Capitani family from Valtellina. With the passage to the Republic of Venice, which occurred in the fifteenth century, Còlere, like the entire Scalve territory, maintained the privileges previously conquered, with the same organization, except for the reference to the Republic of Venice.

Modern Age

It was only in 1797, with the end of the Serenissima and the advent of the Cisalpine Republic, that Còlere acquired its own municipal autonomy, incorporating within its borders also the part of the Dezzo district located to the right of the homonymous stream and the village of Teveno.

Territory and Places to Visit

The territory of Còlere is characterized by lush vegetation, impetuous streams, valleys, and mountains that enchant visitors. Nature offers countless hiking trails, offering breathtaking views. The meadows and woods of Còlere are the ideal place to relax and enjoy the tranquility of nature. One of the most beautiful places to visit in the area is the Presolana peak, which is the highest peak in the area.


The community of Còlere is very united and welcoming. Còlere has a very strong tradition of craftsmanship, with many local handicrafts and businesses. Goldsmithing is very widespread in the area, and the processing of copper, in particular, has ancient roots. The locals are very friendly and welcoming and offer the best of their hospitality to all visitors.

Events and Traditions

Còlere has a rich tradition of events and local festivals that take place throughout the year. Among the most famous events are the Sant'Antonio fair, the Festa del Focolare, and the Sagra della polenta. During these festivals, locals gather to enjoy good music, good company, and good food.

Food and Drink

Còlere's cuisine is based on local and seasonal products. Among these are cheese, speck, mushroom dishes, and honey, which is locally produced. The wine of the area is of high quality and perfectly complements local dishes.


Còlere is a wonderful municipality where nature is still unspoiled. The community is welcoming and friendly, and the local tradition is rich in events and festivals that attract visitors from all over the world. Local cuisine is delicious, based on local and seasonal products, and the wine of the area is of high quality. If you are passionate about nature and tradition, you cannot miss a visit to Còlere.

Simone Costa
Wrote by Simone Costa
Updated Wednesday, Jul 27, 2022