Cogollo del Cengio

Talking about Cogollo del Cengio: The hidden gem in the Venetian mountains

Cogollo del Cengio, also known as Cogólo in Venetian, is a small municipality in the Veneto region located in the province of Vicenza, with a population of about 3,138 people. Here, in the Astico valley and on the slopes of the Altopiano di Asiago, prehistoric settlement remains have been found, indicating the presence of populations since prehistoric times.

Physical geography

The municipality's territory is located on a stretch of the southwestern slope of the Altopiano dei Sette Comuni and shares with Arsiero and Velo d'Astico the part of the Astico valley called the "conca di Arsiero". The mountains present in the municipal territory include mount Ceresana, mount Cengio, and mount Paù. The lower part of the plain area, located on the left bank of the Astico, is precisely the location of the municipality's capital of Cogollo del Cengio.

Cengio Bud: the hidden treasure of the Venetian mountains.


While the climate is mild in the low-lying, sheltered areas, the mountains experience harsher conditions, particularly on the Val d'Assa slope and the opening of the Val Canaglia.


The name "Cogollo" may derive from the Latin "Cucullus," a term used to indicate a kind of cloak with a hood used by shepherds, or from the Medieval Latin "Cubulum," meaning shelter, den, or cave. The municipality's coat of arms may support the latter hypothesis since it features a kind of rocky shelter or piles of stones used by farmers to mark the boundaries of fields.


From the evidence found in the Astico valley and on the slopes of the Altopiano di Asiago, prehistoric settlements are known to have existed. However, this area was not suitable for cultivation and was likely used for grazing sheep. It is believed that shepherds would lead their flocks up to these areas, stay there for periods of time, and engage in sheep raising, wool production, and trading.

There are no documents that attest to the Lombard presence in this territory, but this population is assumed to have been present given the location and some toponyms in the area. Other remains testify to the presence of a church dedicated to Saint Agatha, which was probably built after this people's conversion to Catholicism.

Middle Ages

In the eighth century, several goods in this territory were donated to Benedictine monks from the Nonantola abbey.

Cogollo del Cengio, like many other municipalities in the area, suffered the consequences of the wars of the 20th century. However, despite everything, today, the municipality is a little hidden gem in the Venetian mountains, offering unspoiled nature and numerous hiking itineraries for mountain lovers.

Simone Costa
Wrote by Simone Costa
Updated Saturday, May 21, 2022