
Codroipo: A Town in the Veneto-Friulian Plain

Codroipo is a charming town located in the Veneto-Friulian plain in Friuli-Venezia Giulia. With its population of 15,864 and an area of 75 km², it stands out for its position on the eastern bank of the Tagliamento river and for the phenomenon of the springs present on its territory. The climate of the area is characterized by hot and dry summers and cold and humid winters.

Discover the beauty of Codroipo: nature, history and tradition in a Friulian city.

The Beauty of the Territory

The Springs

The territory of Codroipo is affected by the phenomenon of the springs, which has contributed to the creation of rivers, streams and aquatic environments such as lakes and ponds. Despite the human activity that has transformed the agricultural landscape, some areas have been preserved and today it is possible to admire an example of this pristine environment at the "Parco delle Risorgive di Codroipo", located south of the center and close to the sports center.

The Tagliamento Park

The Tagliamento river, which is only 6 km from the city, is the protagonist of another spectacular natural space: the Tagliamento Park. It is a protected area that allows for long walks immersed in nature, between suggestive river paths and stretches of cultivated fields. Here it is possible to closely observe the vegetation and fauna typical of the Venetian plain, as well as the numerous species of birds that find their natural habitat here.

The History of Codroipo and Its Inhabitants

Codroipo has been inhabited since the Bronze Age in Europe and in Roman times it became a strategic colony for merchants and soldiers of the Roman Republic. The town derives its current name from the Latin term "Quadruvium", which refers to the four districts that converged here from the meeting of two important Roman roads. Over the centuries, Codroipo suffered the effects of barbarian invasions, until the birth of the "Marca del Friuli" under the Franks' empire. In the 10th century, the city was devastated by Hungarian invasions and it was only with the advent of the patriarchal period that Codroipo began its process of economic and demographic recovery.

Cultural Activities and Traditions

Codroipo offers numerous cultural and traditional activities for its inhabitants and tourists who visit it. Among these, there is the San Simone Fair, which is held every year on October 28th in honor of the city's patron saint. During the fair it is possible to find local food and wine products and handicrafts.

Tourism in Codroipo

Those who choose to visit Codroipo can appreciate a quiet and welcoming town, which offers numerous naturalistic and cultural attractions. In addition to the natural parks and the San Simone Fair, the city also offers the possibility to visit numerous churches and historical monuments. Among these, the church of San Floriano stands out, built in the fifteenth century and characterized by its Gothic lines.

In summary, Codroipo is a quiet and picturesque town that offers numerous naturalistic and cultural attractions to tourists who choose to visit it. Anyone who has the fortune to know this city in Friuli-Venezia Giulia cannot help but be fascinated by the splendor of its territory and its millennia-old history.

Andrea Giordano
Updated Monday, Jun 27, 2022