Civitella del Tronto

Discovering Civitella del Tronto

Civitella del Tronto is a town in the Abruzzo region, located in the province of Teramo. It is part of the union of municipalities called Città Territorio-Val Vibrata and is included in the club of the most beautiful villages in Italy. The town has a population of about 4600 people and is located at an altitude of 589 meters above sea level, on a rocky travertine cliff.

Physical geography

The municipal territory of Civitella del Tronto extends over an area of 77.74 square kilometers, making it the largest municipality in the Val Vibrata. The Mountain of Flowers, belonging to the mountain range of the Monti della Laga and the homonymous Gran Sasso and Monti della Laga National Park, marks the border with Valle Castellana to the west. To the north, the territory borders Sant'Egidio alla Vibrata, Marche di Folignano and Ascoli Piceno. To the east, the terrain slopes gradually towards the lower Salinello Valley up to the border with Sant'Omero. To the south, you can admire the Maiella and the Gran Sasso range, where the territory borders Campli.

Discovering Civitella del Tronto: Abruzzo's history, culture and cuisine.

Hydrography and climate

The territory of Civitella del Tronto belongs to the hydrographic basin of the Salinello and Vibrata rivers. The Val Vibrata originates west of the village, on the eastern slope of the Mountain of Flowers, and gives rise to the homonymous river. In addition to these, there are several minor streams or rivulets that flow into the two main watercourses.

The climate of Civitella del Tronto is a humid subtropical climate. Thanks to its location at the foot of the Monti della Laga and its proximity to the Adriatic coast, winters are mild and summers are hot. The territory is characterized by significant rainfall throughout the year, with an average annual rainfall of about 871 mm.


The origin of Civitella del Tronto is unclear, although artifacts dating back to the Neolithic and Paleolithic have been found in the Ripe and Sant'Angelo and Salomone caves. The first certain historical record dates back to 1001, when Civitella is mentioned as "Tibitella" in a notarial deed drawn up in the city of Penne. According to historians, Civitella originated in the 9th-10th centuries as a fortified town to escape Hungarian and Saracen raids.

The town is famous for the Fortress of Civitella del Tronto, whose name derives from the Latin word "Civitas," meaning city. The fortification was built in 1543 under the reign of Charles V and was the last stronghold of the Bourbons of Naples and the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies. It strenuously resisted the siege of the Royal Sardinian Army, surrendering only three days after the Proclamation of the Kingdom of Italy.


Civitella del Tronto is a beloved tourist destination, especially for its historic center. There are numerous monuments of artistic and cultural interest, including the Church of Our Lady of Mercy, the Church of San Francesco, the Church of San Giovanni Battista, and the Ducal Palace.

The Fortress of Civitella del Tronto is certainly one of the most visited places. Its imposing structure is perfectly preserved and offers visitors a breathtaking view of the Val Vibrata and the Monti della Laga. Inside the fortress, you can visit the Historical Museum, which collects numerous works of art and historical artifacts, including weapons and armor.


The local cuisine of Civitella del Tronto is rich in authentic and genuine flavors, made with high-quality ingredients. Among the gastronomic specialties of the area, there are the pasta alla chitarra, Salsiccia del vibratino, goat and sheep cheeses, Porchetta, and the Artichoke of Nereto.


Civitella del Tronto is a tourist destination that offers many opportunities to discover the history, culture, and beauty of the region. With its strategic location, the town represents a pleasant stop for those traveling through the Val Vibrata or engaging in hiking and trekking activities on the Monti della Laga. The local cuisine and the hospitality of the residents complete the experience, making Civitella del Tronto a must-see stop for anyone visiting Abruzzo.

Veronica Vitale
Updated Sunday, Feb 6, 2022